Search results

  1. Tavern's gallery of Tavs (a.ka main character display)

    Woah! You guys created amazing characters... I'm feeling inspired! I'm leaning towards creating a Rogue, Arcane Trickster. Updating here once I made one. ^^
  2. happy thoughts

    I get to make my coffee in the morning how I like it. Black, no sugar, no cream. (I take my sugars a little in the afternoon) :D
  3. What game are you currently playing?

    Remnant 2 on Nightmare with friends. This is the best game we have played this year. We're suffering but the game is fun! The Nightmare mode really pushes us to the point that we need to coordinate our moves and we feel that bosses are actually worth defeating. (Context: Nightmare is the highest...
  4. 30+ years online and intros are still awkward

    Hello! I'm also new here and I find this place really cozy!!!
  5. How do you feel about tabletop?

    I'm a total noob when it comes to tabletop but I would love to try it. I didn't have any access to DnD when I was young and only discovered the game just recently.
  6. Hello there! I'm looking for games to try to help me ease into a turn-based system for the release of BG3. Got any suggestion for me?

    Hi! I have previously played DOS2 and I'm looking forward to the BG3 release. Any recommendation is appreciated! Thanks
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