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  1. Brent Knowles

    Good morning / afternoon / evening

    Thanks! It has been a long day already and there's still a ways to go before I get some sleep. My favorite origin? Honestly that is tough. It has been over a decade since I last played but I really enjoyed the dwarf noble. There were hints of the larger pollical machinations that would...
  2. Brent Knowles

    Good morning / afternoon / evening

    My kids have not really played any of the games I worked on (other than some Axis & Allies, I think) but they've watched YouTube playthrus and consider themselves experts (they are teenagers). I do think my youngest wants to try Dragon Age: Origins but I'm not sure I want him to experience that...
  3. Brent Knowles

    Good morning / afternoon / evening

    Hi & thanks for the questions. 5e is way easier to grasp and I think there are lots of new people getting involved all the time. It feels far more popular than when I was growing up with it. And lots of people experience D&D because of videogames. When I did an AMA on Reddit I had numerous...
  4. Brent Knowles

    Good morning / afternoon / evening

    I am around this morning if there's any follow-up questions. Otherwise, I do hope you all have a most glorious week!
  5. Brent Knowles

    Good morning / afternoon / evening

    Thanks for the warning about the lizard! Nice to meet all of you. (I am going to take a break from the screen for a while but I'll come back in here tomorrow morning)
  6. Brent Knowles

    Good morning / afternoon / evening

    Honestly, since I started at BioWare I generally just play games for research. With my writing, personal projects, being a single parent, and running D&D campaigns ... I'm pretty busy. I generally try most games out so I have an idea of what they are about -- and then my kids might finish them...
  7. Brent Knowles

    Good morning / afternoon / evening

    Thanks for the questions. I'll be honest, it has been years since I played NWN (or Baldur's Gate). And I never get to play in my tabletop campaigns (I am always a DM). So no favorite classes or spells unfortunately. And usually when testing our old videogames, we rotated who played what, so we...
  8. Brent Knowles

    Good morning / afternoon / evening

    Thank you so much. Always good to get a Krogan's perspective :) Nice to meet you!!!
  9. Brent Knowles

    Good morning / afternoon / evening

    Hello & nice to meet you! There's many challenges. If we are talking a tabletop game (as an indie) the primary challenge is money to be honest. I had to take time away from work -- and eventually leave my job -- and borrow money to pay for the art. That -- and managing the logistics of a small...
  10. Brent Knowles

    Good morning / afternoon / evening

    Thanks for having me (and for the kind words)! No, not coincidence. I've always been interested in Iceland (read the sagas many years ago, etc.) and I was finally able to take a trip there a few years ago. Really inspired me to take a bunch of ideas I've been stewing on for many years and do...
  11. Brent Knowles

    Good morning / afternoon / evening

    Hi all. I was invited to check in over here. I'm a former designer with both BioWare & Beamdog, as well as a long time designer working on tabletop material (I helped out a bit with the recent Minsc & Boo book). I've snuck in here to shamelessly promote my Kickstarter but I'm also good with...
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