D&D, 80s TV, and the fear of Satanism


The Satanic Panic is buckwild once you start reading about it.

I guess it was started by this Canadian Author who wrote a book. In this book he described a patient whose repressed memories he'd been able to unearth through hypnosis. This woman had been a part of a satanic cult. How it operated is that these cultists would think they were normal people, then they would go do a bunch of satanic rituals together under a hypnotic trance, inducting new people into their order, then forget all about it.

He painted this as a widespread epidemic. Schools and daycare facilities all over the country had been infiltrated and were turning your kids into satanists. And conveniently these secret satanist rings could only be unearthed with the assistance of a master hypnotist such as himself.

Man made a lot of money showing up to various places and offering his consultations on whether there was satanism afoot. He was called into court cases as an expert and got people locked up on completely bullshit charges.

Literal con artist shit. Possibly the most successful con job of his era.


I wish this satanist crap had stayed in the 80s. Unfortunately it's still around and we still hear the occasional story of crazy.
Really? I haven't heard anything about it in years. I did get into a little bit of trouble when I bought my first D&D book as a kid. This was the 90s. However, I think my dad was more mad that I was clearly a nerd than he was worried about any kind of satanism thing. He let me keep the book and all and they didn't get in the way of me playing with my friends.


Staff member
Really? I haven't heard anything about it in years. I did get into a little bit of trouble when I bought my first D&D book as a kid. This was the 90s. However, I think my dad was more mad that I was clearly a nerd than he was worried about any kind of satanism thing. He let me keep the book and all and they didn't get in the way of me playing with my friends.



Meanwhile the Inferno town from Heroes 3 looks like this lol

Screenshot 2024-06-20 at 15-14-25 Inferno-in.png (PNG Image 800 × 374 pixels).png


Staff member
I'm from Sweden and here we had the same moral panic. There's a legendary TV show where an old school guy interviews (or rather, accuse) a guy from a 80's rock band about their music and its ties to Satanism in a very, very fun way. At least it's fun today, it must have been quite frustrating at the time. There was also a lot of fear about occult TTRPGs making kids into murderers and one actual murder case were attributed to just that, which of course got lots of headlines. It has since been debunked as fear-mongering propaganda.

50 years from now I wonder what we panic about today that the future generations will laugh at. Fear of AI maybe.


Staff member
Demons and succubi! We had a reputation as being very immoral and sexually degenerate for some decades too, before the rest of world did catch up on that. It was based on a couple of black/white movies that had nudity and unsurpressed sexuality. (just noticed unsurpressed is not a word but don't know what english equivalent I should use.)


Demons and succubi! We had a reputation as being very immoral and sexually degenerate for some decades too, before the rest of world did catch up on that. It was based on a couple of black/white movies that had nudity and unsurpressed sexuality. (just noticed unsurpressed is not a word but don't know what english equivalent I should use.)

I think you're using the right word. You just put an extra "r" in there is all.


I don't remember ever hearing rock music or fantasy being tied to Satanism in my 80s Germany childhood, even if I grew up in a religious environment. I guess our brand of religion was reasonably liberal.
I do remember a discussion when the Harry Potter movies came into cinema, that in Bavaria, traditionally very Catholic, some groups and even politicians voiced concerns that the first movie was rated age 6 and older. Not because of scary stuff but because it might seduce children to occultism.


Demons and succubi! We had a reputation as being very immoral and sexually degenerate for some decades too, before the rest of world did catch up on that. It was based on a couple of black/white movies that had nudity and unsurpressed sexuality. (just noticed unsurpressed is not a word but don't know what english equivalent I should use.)
I didn't know that. The only thing that I know about Sweden is that it has some cool heavy metal bands, lol
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