I legit can't stop thinking about it. Like watch me stay awake all night just to see what the gameplay footage looked like, cause of course I did lol. I saw a few seconds of it making the rounds earlier yesterday, but it was that whole second chance to make a first impression thing. I just don't know how one recovers from it, after dropping something so corpo lookin' to kick things off. Like I don't know, maybe they have to hire Jack Black now and just pretend it was all some sort of Kung Fu Panda 4 send up spend another 20 million on damage control? lol
I feel like I wouldn't trust the joke though, even it was very very expensive. The way that first teaser was edited with the freeze frame character highlights and splash taglines. Not including original music, but instead going for something pop like that? I mean I get it, it's probably somehow the same person who didn't get let go when everyone else did, still trying for the rebrand, although honestly, why? Ya know, like the brand was already there if they could find their way back time machine. Seems like the only solution to a whack first trailer is a second trailer that isn't whack, but that probably takes a lot of work. It's unfair to compare probably, but I can't help it, just remembering the feeling of seeing DA:O that very first time, and then thinking about how pretty fucking glorious pitstop came with the initial BG3 teaser trailer when that dropped. It makes sense, cause their soundwork was totally on hit for that, but equally important was that they went for a rotoscoped sort of look similar to what I associate with the sub-genre coming out of the old illustrated tomes from way back when, or you know like the og frazetta cards or Bakshi flicks and stuff like that.
Old school realism with the grit, as opposed to the modern cartoon balloon aesethetic which I feel like we're seeing on display in the DA4 promo trailer and within the gameplay as well it seems. I'm torn on this, because on the one hand I think it makes more sense to use the tradition of caricature with exaggerated facial or gestural expression to truly nail what I want out of the forever fantasy RPG, but I also want it to look a particular way, with naturalistic emotes so that it seems theatrical rather than cartoony balloon. I mean just looking at Morrigan again from the og, I feel like just even with her hands she's saying more than any amount of wild eyebrows or dislocated jaws could pull off trying to make it look like a Pixar movie lol. I don't know, like I don't want to bag on it before I've even seen the full deets cause the hopes were high, but still. I just feel like I'm not going to get anything to pull me away from BG3 over the summer.
Also, and you guys know I'm pretty into dwarves for my high fantasy and whatnot, if only for their stubborn refusal to change, but seriously, who really cares about fucking Varric? lol Like way to highlight a DA2 character that I have almost no attachment to and make him into the unofficial series protagonist somehow. I judge him so hard for his weak ass beard. I guess Oghren just didn't have the right look eh? Not well groomed enough probably. In fairness BG3 was a total let down in the Dwarven department as well, except for the Duergar there, who were all pretty great. I rarely roll up Dwarves for my protagonists, so I need a solid companion to ace that for me and keep that base covered. Still even sans dwarves, I find myself zoning out to soundscapes in BG3 the same way I used to in BG1, just cruising around the wilderness trying spot the little things or discover the little sounds. Time warping for like 1300 hours or whatever, replaying the same game over and over, just because the whole vibe is so trance-like in that way.
I love cinema, and I do think there's a powerful connection to be made between these two mediums, but if my RPG is going to be a flick call back, then the moments I'm looking for aren't like Avengers Assemble spin cam from 2010, which feels like complete artifice, but something more like a Tarkovsky Stalker arthouse flick where I can just spend an hour staring at my reflecting in the river, while time seems to disappear lol.
I'm still salty and pretty critical of the BG3 EA for all the stuff I feel like it didn't give me that I wanted. But comparing that Early Access sort of 'EA' to what Dragon Age feels like under the actual EA aegis, the differences are stark. I remember feeling annoyed at the use of both EA to mean early access and Origins as a way to refer to companions, both because they reminded me of what was cracking off with Dragon Age, but ultimately it was a spiritual success for me, so I guess I can't grumble over much. Still though, I thought 24 might be a Dragon year too, but I feel like they're probably still hibernating and biding their time. Like the world needs to end just a little bit more first, I suppose. Should be able to weather the disappointments by now, but somehow they're still disappointing hehe.
ps. I had SWOTR flashbacks for the main combat sequence shown, like right after the crossbow lasers and "you are in violation of Imperial order" blasting over the megaphone where keys are slammed and everything tumbles, but nothing really matters. I suppose that was by design. I just don't even know what to make of it all heheh