Full BG1>TOB EE Roleplay Campaign: Neutral Good Priest of Tyr>Thief (Minimal Reload)


So I am starting a new character thread. I know there is excitement about BG3 currently, so maybe it’s a little weird to be sticking with BG 1/2, but I know I’m not the only one!

This type of setup is a little weird, I call it a “reverse dual” because I’m beginning as a spellcaster and dualing into a non-spellcaster. It is Priest of Tyr into Thief. The build ultimately becomes a high-level master thief with various cleric utility spells and buffs, and most crucially: the Priest of Tyr special skill Divine Favor that will provide a serious boost to backstabbing. Therefore I’m going to go high-strength with this character and will likely wield quarterstaves eventually.

I’m going to dual at lvl 12. At that Priest of Tyr level, I will have two daily uses of Divine Favor, and they will give +4 THAC0 and +4 damage. Will also have several Level 6 cleric spells. It’s a high level to dual, though: Level 12 means I will be 400K xp into Shadows of Amn (900K xp total) before dualing. I will regain the Cleric skills at 1.06m xp into Shadows of Amn (1.56m total), leaving me with approximately 1.39m xp of SoA content as the fully actualized dual class (~more than half of SoA plus all of TOB). That’s cool with me–BG, TotSC, SoD, and the beginning of SoA as a specialist cleric; the early-middle section of SoA as an underleveled thief; the rest as the Priest of Tyr/Thief multi. I’m sure I’ll be able to concoct an RP reason to switch over classes then. (“In Amn, I decided I must learn other skills to infiltrate these evil organizations and spread Tyr’s justice; gaining new thief skills, while unsavory, is a necessary sacrifice that will make me a better instrument to shine a light on corruption”, etc.)

Here are my guidelines when I play:

-PLAYTHROUGH. The entire Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition saga from BG1 to TotSC to SOD to SOA to TOB. Core rules, unmodded. Official vanilla. Once I can get through the whole thing without a reload, I’ll think about upping the difficulty!

-ROLEPLAY & MINIMAL METAGAMING. I try to flesh out as realistic a character as possible and roleplay that. I try to come up with a unique personality and Candlekeep-based biography to match. I generally think about it for a day or so before I start a new character. I pick their class, possible dual class, weapon specializations and thief skills if applicable, but beyond that I don't keep any specific plan for the playthrough. Respond naturally, as I think the character would in that moment, and see what happens. In practice, this determines dialogue choices, what companions I keep, and my specific prioritization of quests, battles, and area explorations. I make the most in-character choices, even if I'm aware it may lead to not getting a quest or losing out on a companion or whatever. So I really don't have any idea how the playthrough is going to go when I start up. After all this time playing BG I do appreciate random unfortunate events that throw a wrench into my plans. I probably average 75-80% of the content through a normal playthrough like this.

-MINIMAL RELOAD. To me it means I reload when charname dies, but I roll with anything else that might happen. This means I may have a catastrophe where my entire party dies, and it would be easier to give up and reload...but as long as PC still stands, I'll fight the temptation to bring up an earlier save (I don't count gameplay bugs or real-world distractions). But ultimately, I want to take the character through the entire saga while having as natural and non-metagamed experience as I can. I started logging every time my PC dies so I will count reloads.

FYI, some other minor playing habits. This is more for me keeping track of my own rules than for interesting reading for others:
  • My PC gets the best equipment available to them (for their role in the party). For “secondary” gear that remains, I balance it among companions.
  • I generally don’t buy scrolls or equipment for companions either…I use merchants only for the PC’s equipment. The exception is for what I call situational & utility spell scrolls and items–e.g., Remove Fear, PfE, Dispel/Remove Magic, any protection-disablers, any resistance-lowerers, Simulacrum (including Vhailor’s Helm), Haste, Improved Haste, Spell Sequencers, and any others of that nature that I decide fit this bread-and-butter miscellaneous category.
  • I WILL forge items for companions if I have all the components.
  • I don’t recharge items by selling them to merchants and buying back.
  • If I have a specialist mage (PC or companion), all of their spell slots are used for the spells of their school that force a saving throw. The exception are the situational & utility spells as described above, which can take up slots too. That means a Conjurer (who knows Grease) will have all their Level 1 spells be Grease, unless I want to throw in a few PfEs or Protection from Petrifications. A playthrough where Edwin is my only mage? That’s a playthrough without magic missile.
  • All characters need to have at least one proficiency point in the weapons they use, unless it’s temporary and there’s no choice.
My character upon creation:

Stea Roco
Human Priest of Tyr
Neutral Good

STR: 18
DEX: 18
CON: 16
INT: 11
WIS: 18
CHA: 11

(I rolled a nice 92 amidst 300+ rolls)


If there was one thing that was drilled into you during your childhood and young adult years in Candlekeep, it was the difference between right and wrong. There was good and evil, black and white, and the side we choose is of grave, existential importance. Gorion was always warm and generous to you, but as you got older you realized there was always an unspoken apprehension on his part. The ability to discern right from wrong, and the endless lessons that he and his library sages would concoct to ensure the message sunk in, were always attached with some vague personal significance that could never be quite enunciated. Making “good” moral decisions was highly praised and celebrated amongst the Candlekeep adults; while any poor choices were met with severe disappointment, punishments, and sad long-winded lectures from Gorion. You learned at a young ago to control any base nature within yourself and grew into the part of a pious, righteous, and punitive adolescent.

Since a child, you had been large, strong, and able-bodied, and always took to physical challenges and sparring, though it never became a true passion. Instead, you took a young leadership role in the small Temple of Oghma, soon acting the part of disciplinarian of others, much to the chagrin of certain Candlekeep residents. Because of your upbringing, any injustice or instance of immorality you witnessed stoked an angry, visceral reaction–that you did your best to suppress. Therefore, surprisingly, you tended to present a cold matter-of-factness to questions of right and wrong, and could strike others as detached and impersonal: calm, but fighting back simmering anger. You had the wisdom to readily find moral nuance (e.g. “never enforcing an unjust law”), but could be relentless and unforgiving when you did not.

Of course the slow pace of Candlekeep life, the Oghma priests’ frustrating focus on the accumulation of knowledge–instead of the neverending battle between good and evil–and your growing awareness that you were not doing much to combat evil from inside these walls, all together eventually made you question your higher purpose. But during some especially busy season for Candlekeep visitors in your later teenage years, a contingent of traveling knights and clerics from the Church of Tyr in Waterdeep, or nearabouts, passed through. Amongst them was even a high-ranking Justiciar of Tyr, overwhelmingly impressive in his moral candor, absolutist views, and of course, rousing stories of adventure and evil-smiting. Since that visit, you decided to dedicate your fledgling clerical endeavors to the God of Justice as well, donning the purple and blue of the Tyr priesthood, and spending much time alone in prayer and contemplation–the only follower of Tyr within Candlekeep.

But as the years went on, the walls of Candlekeep became stifling again. As you looked around your home, you saw much good…but also sloth, hypocrisy, laziness, moral compromise, and in rare events, true evil. As far as the outside world, you could barely imagine the extent of its corruption. Your mind raced imagining the sheer sprawl of wickedness. You wanted to snuff it all out, inside and out, spreading Tyr’s justice, but it felt like almost nothing could be done. Many times you found yourself alone and inadequate, withdrawn and stewing in your anguish. Gorion was ultimately satisfied with how morally uncompromising you developed, but even his lessons began to be tempered with moderation. Even so, up until the day you left Candlekeep, you maintained a stubborn devoutness to Tyr and to the mission of ridding the world of evil. You live by the mantra of the Church of Tyr: "Reveal the truth, punish the guilty, right the wrong, and be always true and just in your actions." Deep down, you want most to prove that you are good, right, and an enemy of evil everywhere, so that you can calm these feelings of anger and reach peace and harmony. And for that, you must fight and destroy evil.

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Baldur’s Gate

Day 0: The Flight from Candlekeep
2nd Mirtul, 1368 DR

The day became interesting early on, when Gorion interrupted my early morning chores and urged me to gather traveling equipment for an unplanned journey outside of Candlekeep. I do not know what this what about, other than he seemed extremely nervous–something from his past come to haunt him? I really doubt it, but either way, I’m glad he decided to bring me along. I’ll do my best to protect him from any evildoers out on the road, whether from his past or not. I’ve been desiring to get out of Candlekeep more frequently, so I’ll make sure I’m prepared for a journey.

I bought some weapons and armor from Winthrop, and equipped myself not a moment too soon; some thug named Shank was waiting in the Priests’ Quarters to kill me. Using Tyr’s Divine Favor, I was able to defeat the scoundrel, but I have no idea why he tried to attack me. This must have something to do with Gorion’s urgency to leave Candlekeep. I sought him out, but he wouldn’t say much more than he already told me, and did not even seem surprised by the attempted murder. I was to prepare to leave immediately, and so I left him as the morning sky darkened and rain began to fall. I was able to help out Dreppin and Hull while traversing Candlekeep in my final preparations, but had no time for Reevor’s rats or Firebead’s gopher errands.

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When I entered the Bunkhouse, there was another would-be killer waiting for me. I casted Protection from Evil on myself, and slew him with my club. After this latest attack, I hurried back to Winthop to exchange some remaining items for gold, then went to Gorion to begin our journey.

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We journeyed east into the wilderness for the remainder of the day. As night fell, we were ambushed by a party of evil murderers, these entirely more powerful than the ones who infiltrated Candlekeep. Clearly related to whatever Shank and Carbos were doing, they were after ME, and me alone. Why? Something related to my parentage? Whatever the reason, Gorion died defending me. I was able to escape, but fell into a deep slumber when I was far enough away.

Baldur's Gate
Chapter 1

Day 1: Gorion is Dead
3rd Mirtul, 1368 DR

I awoke with the sun in my eyes–and Imoen finding me in a patch of grass. She had followed us, admitting now that she knew of a letter that Gorion held on himself that might have pertinent information. We went to retrieve it, getting attacked by a wolf on the way, which we managed to put down. We saw a few bears as well, but they were not hostile. Strangely, some traveling nobleman looked ready to jump off the cliffside, but our encounter seemed to spook him off the prospect, and it was clear he was unrelated to the violence of the night before.

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When I found Gorion’s note–and his body–it hit me that he was dead. My foster father had been murdered by evil, unknown assailants. The letter frustratingly had little new information, other than that danger was nearby and may have been coming for a long time. Beyond hiding I don’t know what Gorion had planned for us, but I know my purpose now: I must avenge his death. Somehow, I must find these killers and bring them to justice. In fulfilling that, information about their motives will surely reveal itself. Gorion had friends at the Friendly Arm Inn that may be willing to help…

We started canvassing the nearby wilderness…for what? Clues? Witnesses? It just felt the right thing to do. I know it was dangerous, and there very well could have been enemies searching for me at the very same time, but it felt cowardly to run off without first doing as much as I could. Turning back west to Candlekeep was another option, but that place is now in my past: not safe, nor where I will find Gorion’s killers.

Current Party:

Stea Roco, Level 1 Priest of Tyr
Imoen, Level 1 Thief

Reputation: Average (11)
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Day 1 Continued: The Lion’s Way Daze
3rd Mirtul, 1368 DR

After a few hours, we found nothing in the area that could help track down Gorion’s killers. We fended off another wolf attack, then met a series of travelers as we cautiously approached the road (Imoen is not as skilled at stealth as she should be, I believe). The other travelers were cordial, but provided no help or information related to our cause. But I did hear much about caravan raids, bandit danger, and iron shortages. Outside of Candlekeep is perilous indeed, but I won’t let that stop us. Failing to see any need to linger more, we set out north for the Friendly Arm Inn, hoping to find Gorion’s allies, this Khalid and Jaheira.

After traveling along the Lion’s Way for most of the day, we were attacked by a wolf again towards the early evening, just as we crossed into the Coast Way. The beast put a major gash into me, and with my healing spells spent and dusk rolling in, I decided to make camp with Imoen along a rock face some ways from the path. We wlll continue to Friendly Arm Inn tomorrow, once healed. Our camp was attacked by lone gibberling in the evening, but it was a peaceful night otherwise.

Day 2: Welcome to the Friendly Arm
4th Mirtul, 1368 DR

We packed up in the dark early morning hours and headed north, reaching the Friendly Arm Inn slightly before midday. As we approached the entrance, we confronted someone named Tarnesh. He claimed to recognize me, though I was wary. And rightly so, he ended up being a bounty hunter! There is a 200 gold bounty on my head. Why?! Tarnesh attacked, and seeing that he was a mage, I immediately cast Exaltation on Imoen. An Inn guard stepped in to help defend us, but I was cast into a Horror, and ran around inconsolably. Imoen, saved from the fear affect, used her wand of magic missiles to finish off the criminal. I will be sure to maintain caution as I investigate the Inn further…

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But soon I found Khalid and Jaheira. They had no information on who may have killed Gorion, but were clearly close friends of his, and I can tell they fight on the side of good. We decided to combine our parties in tribute to Gorion; Khalid and Jaheira wish to go to go south to Nashkel soon to investigate the iron mine there. I would rather stay local for the time being to find out more about Gorion’s death and the bounty against me, if I can. But both of those should involve heading back south from here at some point.

I asked around the rest of the Friendly Arm Inn, speaking to many notable characters, but there weren’t any links to Gorion. There’s an ogre causing issues “south of the Friendly Arm Inn”, according to Unshey, so I’ll keep that in mind. I spent the rest of the afternoon hours hunting down hobgoblins on the outskirts and I felt some emotional release in the skirmishes where I was finally able to slay some evil creatures. We returned a stolen ring to a villager and received much gratitude.

At some point in the later afternoon I decided to rent room for us at the Inn. Tomorrow we will head south to find Unshey’s Ogre.

Day 3: Hunting Unshey’s Ogre
5th Mirtul, 1368 DR

In the morning we trekked south. At this point, the only solid lead I know of to ANY criminal is this supposed belt-loving ogre. It’s the only thing I have to go on. Even if it doesn’t lead to any more information about Gorion, or me, I’ll still be doing the right thing by destroying the monster.

By the late afternoon, we found the ogre. It almost killed Khalid in a single blow–maybe I should have been more careful–but eventually a mighty club strike from Jaheira brought it down dramatically. It was carrying Unshey’s belt indeed.

Knowing it was too late to begin the trip back to the Friendly Arm Inn, I decided to traverse the nearby area until nightfall instead, on the lookout for other monsters to slay, planning to make camp out here eventually. We ended up putting down only a few gibberlings and other similar creatures until we made camp; under the same rock face we had two nights earlier.

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Day 4: Leaving the Friendly Arm for Beregost
6th Mirtul, 1368 DR

After a peaceful night, we woke up in the dark early morning hours and make the long trip north, arriving back at the Friendly Arm by late morning. We let Unshey know of his ogre’s death. He rewarded us humbly, but that was that. Agh, I realize, there’s no trail of Gorion’s killers here at the Inn and maybe never was one. There’s a chance there’s information in Beregost, though. I resolve to head south again down the Coast Way. There’s no use spending another night here at the Inn, and it’s early enough that we turn right back around and hit the road.

Come early evening we were attacked by a lone bandit along the way, who we killed. We already have heard many tales of banditry, but this was the first time we ran into it ourselves. We could have made camp shortly after that, but I decided to push on to Beregost figuring we’d arrive there by midnight. Entering the town under the cover of night may actually be a better idea in our current circumstances.

Day 5: First Day in Beregost
7th Mirtul, 1368 DR

We arrived in Beregost at midnight and looked to rent some space at an inn as soon as possible. Based on a conversation with some townsfolk still awake at this hour, I kept my eyes open for the Red Sheaf or the Burning Wizard, deciding to investigate the rest of the town in the light of the morning.

In short order, I ffound the Burning Wizard. A Halfling thief inside by the name of Zhurlong robbed me almost immediately; but I noticed! Not just that, when I confronted him, he just repeatedly his dastardly pickpocketing. How shameless and unremorseful. I know pickpocketing is against the law, and his dishonorable harrassment earned him a capital punishment! In a tired anger, I cut down the halfling and reclaimed my gold.

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As I calmed down, I realized I didn’t want to necessarily draw attention to myself or our party. After getting a look at the second floor, I decided to sneak out of there before word of the disruptive visitors at the Burning Wizard spread, and to go to the Red Sheaf next door.

Unfortunately, more conflict awaited. An evil bounty hunter by the name of Karlat was there, happening to be on the lookout for me. He almost killed both me and Khalid, but we survived long enough to slay him instead. It looks like the bounty on my head extends well into Beregost. What could it be for? What did Gorion know about it? These questions are as frustrating as they are mysterious.

Rather than find another inn, I felt relatively safe enough here since I defeated the bounty hunter staking this place out. I spoke to Perdue and learned about some gnolls that stole his sword, but soon after rested for the night.

When we awoke the next morning, I looked to explore Beregost some more and see what information I could find. I am positive that many conduits of criminal activity pass through this small town on the Coast Way, and I just need to uncover them. Very soon, I may have stumbled upon a possible way to do so. I entered Kagain’s shop, and he was looking for assistance in investigating some type of bandit plot. It’s a thread to follow, and for that I added the dwarf to our party. He’s unsavory and I know I can’t trust him for long, but our alliance for the time being serves the greater good.

There’s also the Mad Cleric Bassilus, defiling nature out in the wilderness somewhere. It seems unlikely to be related to Gorion, but it’s something for wich I should keep an eye out. The evil should not go unresolved, I know that to be true.

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Soon I also met Neera, the Wild Mage. She was being hunted by Red Wizards of Thay. I came to her defense, slaying the attackers. It was an easy choice to defend the innocent. Neera, wanting protection from these Thayans that still hunt her, offered to join our group. I thought it could be very useful to have a mage in our party, so I accepted the offer. I will not be scared off by Ekandor and her pursuers.

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As the day went on, I took care of the spiders in Landrin’s house, and heard rumors of even more villainous elements in the surrounding area: some half-ogre villains according to the Paladin Bjornin, and some tasloi thieves according to Old Gurke.

Current Party:

Stea Roco, Level 2 Priest of Tyr
Jaheira, Level 2 Fighter/Level 2 Druid
Khalid, Level 1 Fighter
Kagain, Level 1 Fighter
Imoen, Level 2 Thief
Neera, Level 1 Wild Mage

Reputation: Popular (13)
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Day 5 Continued: Wolves and Hobgoblins
7th Mirtul, 1368 DR

We visited the Temple of Lathander on the east of town, and spoke to Kelddath Ormlyr. The Governor of Beregost is the one who’s offering the bounty on Bassilus…but he didn’t have any more information as to his whereabouts.

Next, we explored the surrounding area, but things took a lethal turn. We first ran into a large contingent of hobgoblin bandits–and it quickly turned into the largest battle of my life. Jaheira had one spell remaining for the day, Entanglement, and made good use of it, allowing us to limit our combat to only a few of the freed-up hobgoblins at a time.

We survived the battle, but very soon after encountered a small pack of wolves–two Worgs and a Dread Wolf, to be exact. One of the Worgs killed Jaheira; we took that one out, but struggled to put down the other two. With Jaheira dead and our spells spent, we retreated back to town, and eventually the wolves turned back and stopped thier pursuit. I glimpsed a Vampiric Wolf in the chaos, but luckily it did not approach us; it can only be harmed by magical weapons, and only Neera has a magical quarterstaff–that just she herself can use. I will likely steer away from the eastern wilderness for the near future, until I’m able to deal with Vampiric Wolves.…

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A short time later, we cautiously made our way back to the temple. With a 200 gold piece donation, Jaheira was resurrected. It was the early evening, so I decided we’d stay at the Red Sheaf again for a night to memorize spells and heal our wounds. That pair of wolves may be roaming by the temple now, I can only pray to Tyr they don’t attack anyone else overnight.

Day 6: Looking for Caravan Wreckage
8th Mirtul, 1368 DR

In the morning, healed and refreshed, we went straight back try to find the pack of wolves; and we did. I put down several worgs and dread wolves, and even some more hobgoblins, deftly staying away from the territory of the Vampiric Wolves.

Neera opened up a bit about her recent past–apparently she set a classmate on fire, took no accountability, and disappeared into the woods. She’s been destitute and barely surviving to this point, hunted down by Thayans on top of it all. Hmph. The girl definitely has character issues, but redemption may be in reach for her. I must think, though, how to resolve her current situation so the girl isn’t in harm’s way? After that, I know she ought to clean up the mess she caused.

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Between half-ogres to the south, gnolls near High Hedge, tasloi in Cloakwood, the mad cleric Bassilus, and Khalid and Jaheira’s desire to investigate problems in Nashkel, there is no shortage of trouble about. How any of this may related to Gorion I have no idea, but as I continue to try to make sense of his murder, I know our suddenly-formed band of wanderers can provide help to the countryside. Indeed, there is much that must be done. The party looks to me to lead them–and I must make sure we act righteously.

The most pressing issue in my estimation is Kagain’s search for his missing caravan. Clues we find here may lead us to some of the villains plaguing the region, which may then in turn uncover some connection to Gorion’s murderers. It’s a loose thread but my most promising. And we had discovered the remnants of some raided caravans off the the Coast Way on our trip down from the Friendly Arm. It’s unlikely it’s Kagain’s, but perhaps it will provide the dwarf some insight. In any case we started our trip north before noon.

There was some grumbling on the way up. Kagain seemingly is not happy about our mission to do “good”, having heard about some of our reputable Friendly Arm activities. And Jaheira reminded me that she and Khalid are impatient to travel south to Nashkel–do they even care about Gorion’s murder at all?

When we got to the site of one of the raided caravans, it indeed was Kagain’s–he identified the body of Entar Silvershield’s son. He says he’ll be hunted in vengeance now, and decided to take leave from his shop in Beregost! Hrumph, I don’t like this one bit–but I do not believe that Kagain acted unjustly, and I’m wiling to defend him on that. This was the act of killer bandits, similar to the ones that slew Gorion and wanted to abduct me. And now Kagain would prefer to fight the bandits with us. So be it! We’ll continue to journey together.

Even so, this excursion was a dead end. Whether or not those bandits had anything to do with Gorion’s murderers, we have no way of finding out. We traveled back south to Beregost and stayed the night at the Red Sheaf again.

Day 7: High Hedge
9th Mirtul, 1368 DR

In the early morning, I decided our next course of action will be to investigate the gnolls in High Hedge. If there’s nothing of interest, we will then head south to track down the half-ogres that Bjornin spoke of. Following that, we’ll catch back up with the Coast Way and continue south to Nashkel. I will keep my eyes and ears open for Bassilus during this time as well. (The Cloakwood tasloi will have to wait up north.)

High Hedge was an interesting place. I fought animated skeletons–the first time I’ve truly encountered and confronted the undead. Then we met the Ranger Kivan. He was out there like us, looking for evil to smite. Bandits in particular he was after, due to a loved one of his being murdered. Could his search have something to do with Gorion? Since he’s been on the trail for months now and I respect his intentions, I invited him to travel with our party. But the seven of us now were too many, noisy, and cumbersome for a wilderness adventuring troupe. Therefore I parted ways with Kagain. While he was a solid ally over the past few days–we fought together in a handful of life-and-death battles–ultimately I did not trust his intentions despite our makeshift alliance. Here now we were able to part in peace.

After some more fights with skeletons and then gnolls (including the one who had Perdue’s short sword), Khalid and Kivan were heavily wounded, and neither Jaheira nor I had any healing spells left. But I didn’t want to turn back to Beregost; we made camp here for the day under some trees while we rested and healed. There is evil in this area, potentially having to do with the great High Hedge stone structure that I’ve yet to investigate, and I don’t want to turn away.

Just before dusk, healed, we cautiously approached High Hedge itself. Kivan stealthily made his way inside. He saw a wizard from afar, but at least two hostile flesh golems. The monsters seemed a threat to any innocent travelers who may be passing by the area; so Kivan attacked one of them and lured it outside.

But although we’ve slain an ogre, we were no match for the flesh golem. It was impervious to all of our weapons and killed Khalid in a single blow. Eventually Kivan and I had it chase us south into the woods, where we lost it after a short pursuit. We repeated the same for the second golem. When I finally confronted Thalantyr, I realized he wasn’t an evil mage but merely a reclusive merchant of magical wares. After a tense introduction, we exhanged some wares and gold, and I took my leave. I will have to destroy those golems in the thicket one day soon, though.

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By then night had fallen. We made our way a bit north, far away from where we last spotted the flesh golems, and made camp again.
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Day 8: Heading South from Beregost
10th Mirtul, 1368 DR

In the morning, we sold some wares again at High Hedge, after fighting off some more monsters. I did see the flesh golems wandering about, but they were no longer hostile. That being said, I still don’t like them here, and will have to deal with it one day.

I decided to travel back to Beregost in order for Khalid to be resurrected; only a four hours’ detour eastward, and our party will be whole for it. It also gave me a chance to return Perdue’s sword. From there, we started the journey south, along the Coast Way. Traveling was uneventful for the most part, but we did have some run-ins with several hobgoblins and other monsters towards the evening. At around eight o’clock we made camp for the night by a rock outcropping off the road.

Day 9: North of Nashkel
11th Mirtul, 1368 DR

We woke early in the morning and kept on the Coast Way south. We ran into some hobgoblins on the way, as well as war dogs and other hostile creatures, but most of the traveling hours were spent in peace.

Instead of keeping along south to Nashkel, I had decided we must find Bjornin’s half-ogre gang first. Based on the Paladin’s directions, they should be encamped several hours west of the Coast Way, so at some point we made a hard right, pushing westward through the wilderness for the entire afternoon, evening, and well past nightfall.

Day 10: Midnight Battles in the Wilderness
12th Mirtul, 1368 DR

It was just past midnight when I decided to make camp. Yes, it was long overdue, but my urgency kept us going and my companions had enough elven blood to guide us with infravision. However as our luck would have it, when we explored the clearing we finally chose to set up camp, we came across a gamut of villains lurking around in the middle of the night. Hobgoblins and gnolls were manageable, but we also ran across a powerful bandit trio of Teyngan, Jemby, and Zekar that we had no choice but to fight.

It was a difficult battle, likely my most difficult yet since leaving Candlekeep. Seeing the mage, I cast Exaltation on Khalid, knowing at least he would not be feared. Instead Kivan and myself were soon magically horrified, and ran off into the dark. The rest of my party managed the kill the bandits, but Kivan’s wild, fearful running soon led him into a pack of war dogs, AND the group of half-ogres I’ve been looking for–both presumably angry to have been woken up. Khalid ran north to try to help Kivan, but something snapped in him when Tyr’s Exaltation wore off and he completely lost all of his morale. Seeing the pack of war dogs chasing Kivan was just too much for Khalid…and he simply ran away. Kivan was killed in the ensuing chaos. Only one of the half-ogres decided to pursue our struggling party, and we were able to slay him. Regardless, I am sternly disappointed by Khalid’s fearfulness.

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Jaheira was almost dead from her wounds, and Imoen was not in much better shape. Despite this and only moments later, we heard the sound of battle from the south. Having to investigate before we could rest for the night, we came across none other than Drizzt Do’Urden fighting a small army of gnolls. He had singlehandedly defeated almost the entirety of them; we flung some arrows and bullets at the end, which the famous drow was grateful for. We exchanged a few words and he went on his way.

With Kivan dead and our party severely hurt, we set up camp until the brightness of morning.

Current Party:

Stea Roco, Level 3 Priest of Tyr
Jaheira, Level 2 Fighter/Level 2 Druid
Khalid, Level 2 Fighter
Imoen, Level 3 Thief
Neera, Level 1 Wild Mage

Kivan, Level 2 Ranger

Reputation: Popular (13)
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Day 10 Continued: Tension Before Nashkel
12th Mirtul, 1368 DR

After we woke, we scoured the area for the rest of the half-ogre gang. It took us to the early afternoon and a few skirmishes with more gnolls and skeletons, but eventually we hunted the rest of the half-ogres down. By that point most of us were injured again after facing battle this morning while still nursing wounds from the previous night. Neither Jaheira nor I could cast any more healing spells, so I decided the best course of action would be to set up camp and rest for the rest of the day and night, then leave for Nashkel in the early morrow.

At some point in the evening, Jaheira admonished me for not heading to Nashkel sooner, even with our injuries in the shape they were. It is just one more day, and this made sure we would be healthy enough to face down any threats on the journey there. But she even brought up up Gorion, and questioned my action and conviction. Gah! For all their talk, she and Khalid seemed barely interested in providing help to the countryside–only to rush to Nashkel and ignore all else. Jaheira of course is a “neutral” druid, caring more for nature than for law and justice. Khalid himself by his craven actions is partially responsible for Kivan’s death. But in their minds, waiting until tomorrow to make the last push to Nashkel was immoral “laziness”...despite all else going on. Is it true that Gorion would have rushed to Nashkel? He mentioned nothing about it, even during our flight. But fine! As dusk approached, I agreed to leave.

We traveled overnight through dark towards Nashkel.

Day 11: Arriving in Nashkel
13th Mirtul, 1368 DR

The last leg of the journey to Nashkel was a long one, but uneventful. We traveled southeast all throughout the early morning hours, pushing on for the entire day, and eventually caught up again with the Coast Way. We reached the northern Amnish village in the early evening, weary but healthy.

Baldur's Gate
Chapter 2

After talking to some denizens, we heard rumors of “demons” in the mines, but it doesn’t look like anyone knows what exactly the trouble is. There is also a murderous Commander of the guard that had killed his family and fled into the hills, so indeed, evil abounds down south. I don’t want to forget about the troubles near Beregost–Bassilus and the other fiends–but it looks like there’s ample opportunity to do good in this region, too. I don’t know if any of it has to do with Gorion, but like Jaheira said, maybe this is what he would have wanted.

I met the mayor, Berrun Ghastkill, appreciative of our assistance, and then a Monk of Selune, Rasaad, who was demonstrating his deity’s ways for the local commoners. This Moonmaiden has a righteous philosophy, and I left things cordial with the monk.

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At the Nashkel Inn, we were attacked again by another bounty hunter–Neira. We were able to defeat her, and it looks like the bounty on my head has only increased as we’ve traveled south. Maybe I am indeed getting closer to the source of my troubles, and it was right to head down here.

I also met Minsc, a Ranger. He told me of his charge, Dynaheir, who is imprisoned by gnolls in a major stronghold of theirs, some days’ journey to the west. In the moment, it felt right to agree to help him, but I know there is much on my plate in the surrounding region for the time being. My initial hope was to regroup with him at some later point, if he had not yet left on his own at that point. But soon after, I met Edwin, a mage. He wanted the same woman, Dynaheir, to be killed, and he wouldn’t even offer a reason for it. I did not like the mage one bit; but my interest in this “Dynaheir” has grown…

We spent the rest of the evening acquainting ourselves with more of Nashkel, then rented a room at the inn as night fell.

Day 12: The Nashkel Mines
14th Mirtul, 1368 DR

In the morning, we left Nashkel for the mines, about a four hours’ journey south. When we were almost there, traveling through a small rocky passage, we were ambushed by yet another group of bandits. In the fight that followed, we were assisted by a half-orc by the name of Dorn Il-Khan. I had seen this character at the Friendly Arm Inn over a week ago, and it appeared he had some quest for vengeance against these hooligans. Old partners in criminal endeavors, I can surmise. While we were thrown together as allies for this fight, I’d prefer to have no more business with the half-orc.

Soon after, we reached the mines. I spoke to the supervisor Emerson. He didn’t appreciate visitors into his mines–but was willing to give us one day to figure out what in going on. I already could see, from speaking to miners on the surface, that a labor shortage also troubles the mines.

Exploring the outlying area, we ran into the “sculptor” Prism. I was warned about him from the Amnish guards in the area, and heard how he readily he stole his emeralds. I wanted to drag him to the guard, but soon Prism showed us he’d rather fight us to the death than answer for his crimes. He left us no other choice with how to dispense justice…and we struck him down.

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By noon, we plunged into the mine proper. I spoke to some of the miners and guards on the top levels and it turns out the “yipping demons” are kobolds. We descended, trying to locate the true source of the troubles, even if it turns out to just be a kobold hive. I had Kivan scout the way ahead of us in stealth, with Imoen slightly behind him, focusing on identifying and disarming any traps she may come across. While we were mostly successful in avoiding kobold arrows shot our way, we did take some hits, and soon after an encounter with a pair of huge spiders, all of our healing spells were exhausted. Still, knowing Emerson was allowing our excursion to last a day only, we continued our descent past midnight.
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Day 13: Mulahey and Mysterious Plots
15th Mirtul, 1368 DR

In the early morning hours, we eventually found some large internal cavern. After a few more skirmishes with kobolds and other monsters that lurked the depths, I confronted an elven mage: Xan. Apparently he’s been a prisoner for the past few months, and was sent to Nashkel to investigate from his homeland. He could be a useful addition to the party with whatever relevant knowledge he’s accumulated so far, but we are already too many and I had to leave him there for the time being: Kivan took some major injuries in a fight with the kobolds when we entered Xan’s cavern. We had no healing spells left, and feeling we were approaching a final confrontation, I would not risk our ranger being killed.

[RELOAD #1: Well, it happened. First reload. Myself, Jaheira, and Khalid all were Held or otherwise incapacitated during the Mulahey battle. We even got him to yield, but my PC was killed by a kobold strike shortly after. I tried the first time without spells and with Kivan half dead…not a good idea. After the reload, I followed my general rule for resting…]

We carefully made our way back out to the mining area, back over the bridge across the chasm. As expected, we were attacked by kobolds as we tried to make a camp in some unfinished alcove, but we had thinned their numbers enough at this point that we were able to get better rest here than I expected. But it was now late morning, and we were beyond the one day that Emerson gave us to investigate…but we’re zeroing in on the root cause of all of this. There were more chambers inside Xan’s cavern, and Kivan had spied some other humanoids living there. It would take us a couple of hours to emerge from the mines anyway at this point–so I decided to head back down.

So we returned to the cavern, and confronted this “Mulahey”. As soon he figured out he didn’t know us, he attacked. He called in some nearby kobolds to attack, and had some undead under his command, but we were able to defeat him, all six of us working together. A flurry of arrows and stone bullets injured him mortally, and Neera’s Chromatic Orbs were also useful to counteract his spellcasting. At some point, his morale left him and we were able to deliver justice to the villain.

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[RELOAD #2: Couldn’t survive the Mulahey battle for a second time, even after resting. The Hold spell got me this time…Jaheira, Khalid, and my PC were all stuck after being close in melee. Ended up winning using more ranged attacks…]

I must say: Xan stood about and provided no assistance; while I considered joining forces with him at some point, I soured on the idea after his spectating performance during the battle.

Upon reviewing Mulahey’s documents–yes, there is some major villainous plot about! Apparently he was being ordered to poison the iron, for some greater sinister purpose. The notes pointed me to a contact, named Tranzig in Beregost, so I resolved to head there as soon as possible, returning through Nashkel to speak to the mayor there first.

Baldur's Gate
Chapter 3

I pushed further into the mine, to see if there were any remnants left of the kobold infestation…and we were nearly involved in a cave-in. The passage behind us collapsed, and we were forced to push on…northeast, as it turned out. When we surfaced, we realized Nashkel was several hours west.

Shortly after our emergence, we ran upon a group of four female bounty hunters. They had been tracking us for days apparently–before Nashkel, even. They mentioned the reason for their pursuit was that we were meddling in the affairs of the “Iron Throne”. Could that mean the group associated with Mulahey’s poisoning of the iron? Or do they have to do with some other bandit plot that Gorion was involved with? If so, how am I involved?

The questions were to be pondered later. With Kivan’s stealth and a cautious approach, we were able to get the opening attack on our opponents. With Silence, Sleep, and Entangle spells, and Divine Favor cast upon myself, we were able to split them up in the wilderness and defeat them one by one (or approximately). Unfortunately, both Jaheira and Khalid were killed in the fight–these were powerful foes. I would be able to resurrect them once we got back to Nashkel. The surviving four of us gathered up their belongings and headed west with some level of urgency. I want to bring news of all of this to the town mayor as soon as possible. It was mid-afternoon at this point, but we traveled through the wilderness well into midnight.

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Day 14: A Day of Recovery in Nashkel
16th Mirtul, 1368 DR

We arrived at the outskirts of Nashkel just before dawn. We marched right through the carnival, as the various villagers and carnival members slowly awoke. We found Berrun Ghastkill, and he thanked us for helping his mines. As far as deeper evil plots, my party will be on its own to find answers in Beregost.

I resurrected Jaheira and Khalid at the Temple of Helm, but then almost immediately ran into ANOTHER bounty hunter, named Nimbul. Khalid was slain yet again with a barrage of magic missiles; but eventually we defeated him, and resurrected Khalid again at the Temple. At that point it was time to sleep and recover at the Inn, from the fighting and the overnight travel. Khalid in particular was terribly injured.

It was the later afternoon when we were sufficiently rested and were able to process all that occurred. Wanting to catch up to this Tranzig as soon as possible, I decided to start the trek up the Coast Way. We’d make camp off the road when night fell, then enter Beregost in the morning. We found a strategically defensive rock outcopping shortly after nightfall, and made camp under it.

Day 15: Back to Beregost
17th Mirtul, 1368 DR

We broke camp in the early morning, and continued north to Beregost, arriving there mid-afternoon. Immediately we confronted Tranzig. The situation ended with his slaying, but the villainous middleman pointed us to a potentially “temporary” bandit base in the Woods of the Sharp Teeth, to the northeast–confirming this is all a bandit plot. Worried that this bandit camp may move along at some point, I resolve to head there at once.

In Beregost, I spoke to Bjornin the Paladin, Officer Vai from the Flaming Fist, Taerom Fuiruim, and Kelddath Ormlyr about the status of our exploits. Neera also told me of an elder Wild Mage somewhere in the southeast that may be key to controlling her wild magic, and thereby a step in making amends for her actions with those she fled from.

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So while many of thesen Sword Coast problems still abound, I regretfully must make haste to the Woods of the Sharp Teeth, where I may be able to do the most good for the time being. We will need to get some rest, but then we’ll continue the journey north in the morning.

But bearing some magical weapons now, I decide I want to spend the rest of the evening tracking down those vampiric wolves in the nearby eastern wilderness–just one of the many dangers I had previously left unresolved. We have the time, and if successful, we may prevent attacks on passing travelers.

Current Party:

Stea Roco, Level 4 Priest of Tyr
Jaheira, Level 3 Fighter/Level 3 Druid
Khalid, Level 3 Fighter
Kivan, Level 3 Ranger
Imoen, Level 4 Thief
Neera, Level 2 Wild Mage

Reputation: Popular (16)
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Day 15 Continued: Revenge on the Temple Wolves
17th Mirtul, 1368 DR

We fought wolves, dogs, and even more hobgoblins in the eastern region beyond the Beregost Temple. We were able to track down the pair of Vampiric Wolves we had seen a week and a half previous, and I felt relief when those creatures were slain. Ever injured it seems, we trudged back to Beregost and made our rest for the night at the Red Sheaf.

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Day 16: Traveling through the Friendly Arm
18th Mirtul, 1368 DR

We left in the very early morning, a few hours before dawn. I am indeed trying to make haste to this supposed bandit camp. We will travel up to the Friendly Arm Inn, then head eastward from there.

We arrived at the Friendly Arm in mid-afternoon. I checked in with the Mirrorshades, and then Landrin. But there were no new happenings of concern here, so instead of spending the night, I’d rather push on through to the Wood of Sharp Teeth. So we headed out and traveled the rest of the day, into the dark and midnight.

Day 17: Peldvale
19th Mirtul, 1368 DR

We marched overnight. When dawn broke we finally made camp, now well within the forest region of Peldvale.

When we began moving again by early afternoon, we started to encounter bandit gang after bandit gang; including some Blacktalon Elites, whose magical ice arrows almost spelled death for members of our party repeatedly. Truly we must be getting close to some centralized bandit camp. I decided to spend the rest of the daylight scouting the area and trying to eradicate the vile bandits wherever we could find them.

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As night fell, we made camp again.

Day 18: Conquering the Bandit Camp
20th Mirtul, 1368 DR

Morning came, and we kept traveling east towards where we believed the bandit camp to be. And as evening approached, we found it.

We spent the the remaining hours of the night attacking the bandit camp, using the tactics of circling the perimeter while drawing a single bandit or two out at a time. When the darkness of night fell completely, we stormed the camp proper–marching straight throough and slaying the bandits in each tent (and the captive gnolls and flinds in the cave).

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At last, as midnight approached, we burst into the main leadership tent. There was a mage and a few high-powered mercenaries there, but no Tazok or any other higher-ups (such as this “Davaeorn” who I soon learned about). In a tough battle, we slew all of our enemies…but Khalid was again struck down dead in the conflict.

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Baldur's Gate
Chapter 4

Day 19: The Iron Throne, Again
21st Mirtul, 1368 DR

After midnight now. When the dust cleared, another captive, Ender Sai, was able to provide us with some information. The organization behind the bandit plot to poison iron from Nashkel is called “the Iron Throne.” I had heard this name before from bandits trying to kill me. Documents in the tent corroborated all of this.

I can’t be sure if Gorion was working against these villains originally and I was brought in by familial association…or my exploits in trying to find Gorion’s killers had simply put me on a path to confront the Iron Throne? But I can be sure that I have no choice but to bring an end to their evil; they have made enemies of me. It looks like they have a mining operation deep in the Cloakwood forest and I will have to investigate it sooner than later.

But the rest of the Sword Coast in enflamed. Bassilus, Brage, Dyanheir, Adoy, and the continuing bandit infestation along the Coast Way…all problems that still desperately need my attention. In good conscience I must look to undertake these righteous quests before confronting this Iron Throne head on. I will plan to return to the Friendly Arm Inn for now to assess my priorities. We traveled some distance south from the bandit camp (now devoid of any life) and prepared camp of our own for the night.

Our journey back to the Friendly Arm in continued in the light of morning.

Current Party:

Stea Roco, Level 4 Priest of Tyr
Jaheira, Level 3 Fighter/Level 3 Druid
Kivan, Level 4 Ranger
Imoen, Level 4 Thief
Neera, Level 3 Wild Mage

Khalid, Level 3 Fighter

Reputation: Popular (16)
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Day 19 Continued: Leaving the Woods of Sharp Teeth
21st Mirtul, 1368 DR

All day we traveled west back through the Woods of Sharp Teeth. The trek was long and uneventful, the forest sounds filling the silence for most of the journey. With the time to think, I resolved that I must venture into Cloakwood as soon as possible. These villains of the Iron Throne are stockpiling iron deep in a forest base somewhere, and they are more than aware that my fellow companions and I are on their trail. Whatever wickedness they have planned, it will only get worse if I delay and linger. Yes, there is much evil and mystery down south, but I cannot in good conscience tend to that now, with Cloakwood only a few days’ journey away.

Relatively early in the evening, we stopped and made camp.

Day 20: Return to the Friendly Arm
22nd Mirtul, 1368 DR

We broke camp a couple hours before dawn, anticipating a long day of travel ahead of us. And while it turned out to be just that, we were fortunate in that we avoided harassment by any bandits or wildlife along the way. I spent the time continuing to simmer about our enemies, the Iron Throne, and also began to envision what the most effective Cloakwood adventuring party would look like. And who of my companions can I trust most to dispense truth and justice along with me?

And the journey west continued. A few hours after nightfall, we made out the lights of the Friendly Arm Inn in front of us in the rain. When we were inside the walls, I encountered the wizard Elminster again. He seemed to know about the Iron Throne’s base in Cloakwood; but no useful information beyond that.

After that we went directly to Gellena Mirrorshade, and she resurrected Khalid after a donation to the temple. We healed him further with spells, and it was not long after that we turned in for the night at the Friendly Arm.

Day 21: Violence in Cloakwood
23rd Mirtul, 1368 DR

The next morning, I had a stern conversation with Jaheira and Khalid. As I march into Cloakwood to confront my enemies, and very possibly Gorion’s killers, I need companions at my side that I can trust to do the right thing. We will likely be facing tremendous obstacles. Jaheira is a “neutral” druid, caring more about the balance of nature than true justice. And her companion Khalid had unfortunately displayed his cowardice one too many times during our travels together. With Kivan, Imoen, and Neera, I have all the skills of a warrior, a thief, and a mage. So with that, we parted ways with Gorion’s old companions. We left on amicable terms, and it’s possible our paths will cross again. But it will be a foursome without Khalid and Jaheira that enters Cloakwood.

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We journeyed west into the forest from the Friendly Arm Inn, and by the evening we began to get into scuffles with packs of tasloi here and there. We eventually found a hunting cabin owned by a certain Aldeth Sashenstar, a merchant from Baldur’s Gate. As it turned out, we stumbled right into a confrontation between the noble and some local druids; I didn’t have time to get all of the information about the conflict before the murderous druids began to attack.

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I feared Seniyad’s Lightning Bolt at first, but after drinking a potion of magic blocking, we were able to slay him and his followers. Aldeth offered me his thanks once the battle was over–but I can’t be sure it wasn’t true that he committed crimes in his escapades out here. But I had no further evidence, so I made my leave. I will be reflecting on this.

[RELOADS #3-#5 - Struck by Lightning Bolt that Seniyad cast. Three times. I feel like an idiot for letting it happen again and again. Never had trouble with this before. I kept thinking I could Blind him or interrupt him or kill him first…but nothing worked. Yes eventually I used a potion of magic blocking, or whichever once makes you immune to 5th level spells and lower, assuming I’d want to be extra protective from all the druids beginning to cast spells...]

We had scouted dread wolves and more tasloi in the surrounding area, but as it began to storm, I decided we’d make camp for the night, and resume our exploration of the forest in the early morning hours.

Day 22: Ettercaps and Spiders
24th Mirtul, 1368 DR

Before dawn we were on the move, moving deeper into the forest to try to find the Iron Throne. Dread wolf attacks were frequent in the dark early morning, but we kept pushing northwestward.

We quickly encountered the self-described hunter and archer, Coran, also up early. Wary of hunters already due to yesterday’s encounter with Sashenstar, I spurned his offer of whatever mercenary activity he wanted our help with.

Journeying within Cloakwood was uneventful until right after noon when we were waylaid by ettercaps. The fight came at us quickly and ferociously, but we managed to beat back the disgusting creatures.

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Just as night began to fall–and it started to rain again–we tripped another spider web trap. This was right after seeing a huge spider lurking in some trees in front of us. We realized quickly we must not be the first travelers that the spiders here thought would make good prey. In fact a young man named Tiber has begged us to find his lost brother Chelak, somewhere further in the forest amidst the spiders.

I decided to make camp for the night. We’ll push on with extra caution in the morning.

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Day 23: The Spider Hive
25th Mirtul, 1368 DR

Our search through the forest slowed down, as we had to reduce our pace to watch for web traps, not to mention deal with attacks from the several monstrous spiders themselves…but we slowly and steadily made progress deeper into Cloakwood.

By mid-morning we had discovered the major source of the spider infestation in these parts–a massive spider-hive, with a swollen, disfigured mutant woman at its heart. We methodically exterminated the spiders, then put the evil creature out of its misery. In the depths of that pit we found Chelak’s body, recovered it and returned the short way’s eastward to return it to his brother.

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But still–the search for the Iron Throne drags on.

Current Party:

Stea Roco, Level 5 Priest of Tyr
Kivan, Level 5 Ranger
Imoen, Level 5 Thief
Neera, Level 4 Wild Mage

Reputation: Popular (16)
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I'm sorry I missed this thread before. I caught up reading and will look forward to more. It looks like you left off on the run last September, so I'm glad you decided to come back to it.

I'll be fascinated to read about your eventual switch to thief class if you follow through with that plan. Stea will "lose his powers" from Tyr while he levels that class, then eventually get them back, so it sounds like there's a character arc to be written there.

Kudos for not meta-gaming stuff, to be true to your character idea, even when we know as players that certain logical choices for a character are going to lead to lethal encounters that could have been avoided with an out-of-character choice or by using knowledge the character has no way of having.


I'll be fascinated to read about your eventual switch to thief class if you follow through with that plan. Stea will "lose his powers" from Tyr while he levels that class, then eventually get them back, so it sounds like there's a character arc to be written there.
Yes, I don't want want to think about it too much ahead of time--might compromise the decision-making in the instant. However...how could I not think about it?? Since I'll be dualing at level 12, that should put me right around Athkatla in Chapter 2-ish in BG2. Getting into urban adventures and dealing with the Shadow Thieves...the dual might tie in very well, as a different set of skills might be needed to really get to the bottom of the shady happenings.

Also I'm going to play up the fact that this character is kind of obsessed with tracking down and fighting evil...he's got some deep fascination with it; even though he himself is not evil, he is drawn to the darker nature...I think that will tie in well to his eventual discovery of his heritage AND also make a lot of sense as to why he decides to become a rogue.

So that's the "plan", as much as I try to avoid having them. The dual is definitely going to happen, so need to prep the story!


Yes, I don't want want to think about it too much ahead of time--might compromise the decision-making in the instant. However...how could I not think about it?? Since I'll be dualing at level 12, that should put me right around Athkatla in Chapter 2-ish in BG2. Getting into urban adventures and dealing with the Shadow Thieves...the dual might tie in very well, as a different set of skills might be needed to really get to the bottom of the shady happenings.

Also I'm going to play up the fact that this character is kind of obsessed with tracking down and fighting evil...he's got some deep fascination with it; even though he himself is not evil, he is drawn to the darker nature...I think that will tie in well to his eventual discovery of his heritage AND also make a lot of sense as to why he decides to become a rogue.

So that's the "plan", as much as I try to avoid having them. The dual is definitely going to happen, so need to prep the story!
Sounds a little like Percival de Rollo from Critical Role "Legend of Vox Machina". Although, I don't think that character was ever a religious, fight-for-justice type. There's also Pike, who lost her faith for a time due to her attraction for the mercenary-ish rogue-ish Vox Machina friends, with whom she loved to party and then felt so guilty about it she lost her powers.

I've been watching Vox Machina lately, can you tell?

Hmm, thinking about Percy, maybe Imoen's torture and kidnapping could be what changes Stea, or a big part of it.

Any Face-Heel turn with an eventual redemption from all of entertainment culture could provide inspiration.

We all know BG2 starts Mainchar in a very dark place, so it's a great opportunity for any Face-Heel-Face kind of story.


I have always wanted to do this but haven't tried it yet. If only because the idea of backstabs at 25 STR + Sanctuary satisfies some primal urge for big numbers.

Late game thieves of all stripes get really fun late game when you can use Shapechange scrolls with use any item to turn into a mindflayer. Even just the skeletons alone from the cleric class is a massive boost to this strat. Then again when I play thieves I almost always solo them.


Day 23 Continued: Phase Spiders and an Early Evening
25th Mirtul, 1368 DR

Eventually the giant spider encounters became less frequent, although not first without having to deal with a trio of phase spiders right around noon. One of the beasts was able to penetrate my armor and sink its poison-coated fangs into me; thankfully, I was able to cast an antidote spell on myself and we emerged victoriously, just a little worse for wear.

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Later in the afternoon, after more exploration around the area, we decided to make camp and re-memorize spells.


In our habit of breaking camp several hours before dawn, we did just that. We began our search for the Iron Throne anew in the dark of the night.

Day 24: Shadow Druids and More
26th Mirtul, 1368 DR

Another day we traveled through Cloakwood forest, in search of some clue that would reveal the Iron Throne hidden deep in these woods. But another day, we were just surrounded by wilderness as we trudged deeper and deeper from civilization. I began to question those notes between Tazok and Davaeorn describing this base. And why was that mysterious wizard Elminster pushing me to Cloakwood? Was this all a trick?

When the evening came, the sky darkened and opened up with rain once again. We started to be attacked by black bears and wolves apparently angered at our loud presence. But we were at least provided clarity on our mission. First we ran into a fellow traveler, Eldoth, who was clearly a rogue up to no good this far into the forest. But more importantly, we met a self-proclaimed “Protector” of Cloakwood, Laskal, who confirmed the Iron Throne are present here, and have opened up an ancient dwarven mine. He considers them a blight to this land, but ran off before he gave up any for information. But fine! Laskal gave me reason to double my resolve to find this villains, even if it takes days and days more. They are here.

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Soon after, I found the entire Shadow Druid encampment and spoke with many of them. They were rightfully hostile to outsiders, but as Laskal said, we all have a shared enemy in the Iron Throne. I was provided passage through the forest, possiby more symbolic than anything, and a direction to go: to the north, and then to the east. They pressured me to accept one of their kind, Faldorn, into our party, but I refused. I will not keep that close company with a Shadow Druid.

As night fell, we found an occupied cave. There was a man there, Peter of the North, training wyverns to act as guards. We were vaguely warned of this man by one of the Shadow Druids. Peter and his pets attacked us with barely any provocation, so we had to slay the evildoer.

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With the weather so bad outside, we to decided to make camp for the night in Peter’s cave.

Day 25: A Demon in Cloakwood
27th Mirtul, 1368 DR

Other than a dawn attack by a frenzied Cave Bear, our morning was mostly uneventful as we continued our trek–northeast now.

By mid-afternoon, though, our travels took a very unexpected turn. First, we were waylaid by giant spiders. Kivan had been poisoned, and we battled the arachnids in a close-quarters melee. Neera was able to separate herself for a moment and began to cast magic missiles. But that’s when it happened–a wild surge, part of Neera’s uncontrollable magic, opened a portal to some demonic plane–and out crawled a Nabassu. I was shocked and disgusted by the evil creature, and could barely believe my eyes what I was seeing. My adrenaline kicked in and I commanded our entire party to retreat, fleeing east as the demon was distracted with the spiders. Eventually it became unsummoned, but we had already escaped its wrath by that point.

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Before midnight, we finally slowed down and made camp. While I had heard stories from Neera about her wild magic, I had never seen these drastic consequences from its reckless use. I know she has a contact named Adoy in the south that supposedly can help her control her magic. Once this business is done with the Iron Thone, I should make haste there. Her demon-summoning was bad enough, and I have also not forgotten she is guilty of crimes (albeit not blatantly evil ones) back in her homeland. She must eventually answer for them.

Day 26: Wyvern Country
28th Mirtul, 1368 DR

We broke camp and kept making our way through the forest. Soon we found ourselves in wyvern country, encountering almost a dozen of the young beasts in our travels that morning. It also appeared we were approaching our target of the Iron Throne base–a pack of armor-clad guards stood watch by one of the many bridges we’ve crossed. They attacked us and were slain soon afterwards. The mines are close by.

Current Party:

Stea Roco, Level 5 Priest of Tyr
Kivan, Level 5 Ranger
Imoen, Level 6 Thief
Neera, Level 5 Wild Mage

Reputation: Popular (16)
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I have always wanted to do this but haven't tried it yet. If only because the idea of backstabs at 25 STR + Sanctuary satisfies some primal urge for big numbers.

Late game thieves of all stripes get really fun late game when you can use Shapechange scrolls with use any item to turn into a mindflayer. Even just the skeletons alone from the cleric class is a massive boost to this strat. Then again when I play thieves I almost always solo them.
I was under the impression you can't backstab with Sanctuary.


Yes! Haha.

I'll admit I've never been a big Sanctuary user. I just always forget about its utility and end up using stealth or something else. Maybe this will be the playthrough to change that!


Day 26 Continued: Finding the Iron Throne Base
28th Mirtul, 1368 DR

As mid-day approached, we realized the reason for the presence of all the wyvern spawn: a nearby nest, occupied by two fully mature wyverns. Kivan’s stealthiness and accuracy with his bow allowed us to separate the creatures from one another, so we wouldn’t have to fight the entire nest at the same time. When the wyverns erupted outside to investigate Kivan’s attack, the four of us were waiting with arrows and bullets. We did our best to keep the monsters at a distance to avoid their dangerous poison, requiring much sprinting through the forest as it pursued us all one at a time. We eventually killed them both.

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After that, it seemed we had culled all the wyverns in the area. We were able to continue northeastward in peace for much of the rest of the day, toward where we believe the Iron Throne is.


At dusk, we finally found it: a guarded, walled, and moated compound. We spied some guards at the entry bridge, but left them alone for the time being, not wanting to alert those inside. Instead, we scouted around the surrounding wilderness, seeing if there may be some secondary way in, or if there were hidden mecenaries waiting to ambush us. And we did indeed find some Iron Throne thugs, heavily armored and aggressive, but we were able to dispatch with all of them.

Beyond that and some small packs of wolves and tasloi, there was not much else in the surrounding wilderness. By that point, Neera and I had casted almost all of our spells, including my healing ones. We made camp for the night at a safe distance some ways southeast, amidst some trees.

Day 27: Attack on the Cloakwood Mines
29th Mirtul, 1368 DR

We attacked the compound at dawn. We came soon to a group of highly-skilled combatants acting as guards, which included a pair of mages. However, I cast a Silence spell to open the battle which rendered the mages next to useless. They were cut down first, then we moved on to the more heavily armored duo.

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I found a letter on the one named Drasus…communication mentioning this Davaeorn, authored by a certain Rieltar. They were *expecting* our party to invade! Good thing we did not linger too long at the Friendly Arm all those days ago, or who knows what other defenses they would have had ready.

When we descended the lift into the mine, we realized it was quite actively worked by slave miners. There was a small guard presence on the first level, but we slew the evildoers as they attacked us and promised the slaves we would free them and flood the mine.

The afternoon wore on and we fought our way down into the second level, continuing to fight groups of guards in the corridors as we found them. Imoen and Kivan both almost completely ran out of arrows, so in combat they had to switch to their magical short sword and halberd, respectively. Neera’s reckless wild magic let loose a fireball that almost killed Kivan and severly burned the rest of us; I had to use all of my healing spells to get us healthy enough to continue. Harumph…that girl may be helpless.

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We eventually crept into a large central room where almost a dozen guard were stationed, including a mage named Hareishan. I tried causing small distractions to have small groups of guards leave and investigate on their own–where we would readily dispatch them in the surrounding corridors. However the mage came running at us at the first sign of trouble. I’m not sure what she was planning to spellcast, but Neera was able to interrupt her with a magic missile. From there, Imoen and Kivan shot at her with their few remaining magical arrows and slew her before she could attempt another spell.

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But with injuries as they were and most spells spent, we retreated back to the lift to rest and recuperate for the evening. The Iron Throne guards have been thinned out and my presence at the lift will prevent any enemies from surprising us from the forest outside.


We maintained vigilance throughout the evening from our makeshift underground camp, but were not bothered by any Iron Throne guards for the duration. It was eerily quiet as the hours drew on. At some point before midnight, I felt we were ready to go, and could not delay any more. Our attack on this compound continued overnight.

Day 28: Defeating Davaeorn
30th Mirtul, 1368 DR

Right after midnight, after encountering the first undead we’ve seen in these mines (ghasts roaming in hidden back corridors), we liberated a dwarven prisoner by the name of Yeslick. He provided more information on how the Iron Throne got here and confirmed they are scheming to put the Sword Coast into an iron crisis. I freed the dwarf and sent him on his way.

The night turned into morning, and we continued to battle the Iron Throne as we sank deeper and deeper into the mines. We slew two more mages, a humanoid and an ogre, even though it meant us retreating down a few corridors and having to suffer Confusion spells in the process. A Flame Arrow spell from the ogre mage almost killed Kivan, but by Tyr’s grace he barely survived the projectile.

It was before noon when we climbed down to the fourth level of the mines where we anticipated Davaeorn to be. The master of the mine was lurking down a trapped complex behind a false wall; we began to disarm the many traps in our way and exchanged angry words with him in shouts around hallways. I slowed down, and had Coran and Imoen scout the hallways. Even though most of our spells were cast, I did not want the mage to escape by the lift in the back, so I dared not delay in our attack. Neera used scrolls of magic missile and blindness, and we did our best to separate ourselves to reduce the group impact of any of his spells cast our direction. I was Dire Charmed for some of the battle, and unfortunately Imoen was killed by a summoned Ogre Berserker. But when the fighting was over, the mage laid dead before us.

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Baldur’s Gate
Chapter 5

In the hours afterward, we searched the rest of the lair and gathered up Imoen’s belongings–once we get back to civilization, we’ll be able to resurrect her. We then found Daveaorn’s apprentice, Stephan, in one of the back rooms. He bartered his life for as much information as he could provide us. I spared him, but almost immediately regretted it. Ah! I should have slain him in true justice like I did all the other Iron Throne villains I found here! But he slipped out before I could reconsider.

All that Yeslick (and now Stephan) said is true, according to Davaeorn’s letters. All of this violence and terror on the coast is because of this greedy organization plotting and scheming. I have been able to disrupt them so far, and with the destruction of this mine that I’ve resolved to flood, I’ll have struck a major to blow to their evil plans. Rieltar, Sarevok, Tazok…these are the names of the Iron Throne leaders I know have culpability in this. I must yet bring them to justice!

Current Party:

Stea Roco, Level 6 Priest of Tyr
Kivan, Level 5 Ranger
Neera, Level 5 Wild Mage

Imoen, Level 6 Thief

Reputation: Popular (16)
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Day 28 Continued: Flooding the Mine
30th Mirtul, 1368 DR

Using the river plug key we got from Davaeorn, we flooded the mine. The slave miners had been slowly making their escape since the early morning when the relevant guards had been killed or bribed. Any remaining bandits, mercenaries, or hobgoblins left in the mines were drowned in the raging river waters. I’ll admit I felt a shudder somewhere deep to my core when I imagined the swift destruction and death caused by the flood. But when we emerged to the forest, I was being hailed as a hero by the escaped slaves.

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Our shadows had grown long by this point in the afternoon. We had been fighting since the middle of the night and Imoen was dead, but still we needed to start our long journey back from the deep interior of this forest. My enemies in the Cloakwood had been destroyed, but the Sword Coast still crawled with the evil of the Iron Throne. So we journeyed westward.

In the evening we were attacked by a second pair now of fully grown wyverns. I thought to flee at first, but held when I realized that Kivan may be skilled enough with a bow to put down both of these creatures–as long Neera and I risked our lives to distract them (having an Elixir of Health on hand, an immediate cure to any poison, helped this decision). Soon both wyverns were dead on the ground, punctured with arrows.

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As the sun was going down, we made camp for the night.

Day 29: Revisiting the Shadow Druids
1st Kythorn, 1368 DR

Before dawn, we resumed our journey out of the forest. Our travel back on this day was thankfully uneventful.


By the late evening we arrived at the Shadow Druids again. My purpose was to inquire about a resurrection for Imoen, but the Archdruid was absent and the one druid remaining–Faldorn–was of no help on that matter. So we moved on, making camp for the night a short distance from their territory.

Day 30: The Cloakwood in Peace
2nd Kythorn, 1368 DR

Our trudge back started again before dawn and continued for the entirety of the day until the sun sank again. No animal or monster bothered us–the Cloakwood seeming more peaceful then ever, despite all that’s happened. But fortunately I won't be distracted by the supposed serenity. We must get out of these woods! So we kept on our journey past midnight.

Day 31: Continuing to Civilization
3rd Kythorn, 1368 DR

We were backtracking through the spider-hive region when we predictably began to be attacked by massive spiders. It was after midnight, so we decided to finally rest for the night after the long day’s journey. We chose a familar area under a cliff face to make camp, where we had stayed over a week earlier on the way inwards.


We awoke mid-morning and continued our march east to the Friendly Arm all day. Again, we were unbothered by Cloakwood inhabitants, and again we continued our travels for several hours after nightfall. We have truly been deep in the wilderness.

Day 32: Finally at the Friendly Arm
4th Kythorn, 1368 DR

We decided to make camp at some point after midnight after some scuffles in the dark with dread wolves and more huge spiders. We were in the vicinity of Aldeth Sashenstar’s hunting cabin–meaning we will soon emerge from this forest.

During the night, I had a very vivid dream of drowning in a flood of blood and death–no doubt inspired by the mine flood. It should have frightened me…


By morning we were on the move again, looking to finally escape Cloakwood. The day wore on, the trees began to thin, the sun eventually set, and soon before midnight we saw the welcoming lights of the Friendly Arm in the distance.

We made our way directly to the Temple and had Imoen finally resurrected. I healed her from the process, and then spent some time with Gellana identifying a myriad of magical equipment, jewelry, and scrolls.

After about an hour or so–and exchanging some curt words with Jaheria and Khalid, who were still staying there–we found ourselves settled in our rooms at the Inn. I knew that important decisions would have to made in the morning, but for now I slept.

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Day 33: Traveling South
5th Kythorn, 1368 DR

In the past several days I had resolved what I must do once we finally returned to the Coast Way: find this “Adoy” that Neera speaks of. She must atone for her actions in her homeland, but before that can happen safely we must do all what we can to help her control her wild magic. Otherwise, between demon summonings and spontaneous fireballs, it is too dangerous for her to be in close proximity to innocents–especially in any type of crowded area.

Yes, the Iron Throne has a compound in Baldur’s Gate…but their evil has spilled over to the entire Sword Coast. We’ve been off the Coast Way for almost two weeks and I have no reason to believe the vile banditry throughout the country has subsided. There is *much* unfinished business in the south and many evildoers to be brought to justice. So I don’t hestitate to travel down the Coast Way at once.


We left the Friendly Arm in the morning and spent the entire day in relative peace on the way to Beregost. We arrived there in the late evening and rented room at the Red Sheaf.

Day 34: Wilderness and Ulcaster
6th Kythorn, 1368 DR

We woke in the early morning and caught up with Officer Vai and Bjornin at the Jovial Juggler. I also cornered Gurke: I had retrieved his cloak from the tasloi he spoke of in Cloakwood, but on trying to return it he insisted we keep it. Fine! We then walked over to the Temple to meet with Kelddath Ormlyr. He provided us a large gold reward for killing the wyverns in Cloakwood, but I was distraught to hear that the mad cleric Bassilus was still out in the wild somewhere doing unnatural and vile things.

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But then we turned our travels southeastward, this time into the wilderness east of the Coast Way in the direction of this Adoy character.

We trekked through the wild, again all day. By the evening, kobolds and hobgoblins began to antagonize us, but it was the discovery of the Ulcaster ruins that piqued my interest. Along with skeletons and ghouls, the spectre of Ulcaster himself was lurking outside. I steeled myself for battle when I confronted it…but instead it seems the soul was just sad and tortured, waiting for some magical tome from the haunted corridors below.

The undead unrest here was dangerous and discomforting; we had the responsiblity to bring peace to the area.

Current Party:

Stea Roco, Level 6 Priest of Tyr
Kivan, Level 5 Ranger
Imoen, Level 6 Thief
Neera, Level 5 Wild Mage

Reputation: Heroic (18)
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[I added date stamps to all the daily entries…couldn’t stop myself once the idea got incepted into my head. I had to read about how the Faerun calendar works.]

Day 34 Continued: The Ulcaster Ruins
6th Kythorn, 1368 DR

We scoured the surface ruins as the evening wore on. We eventually got into battle with a powerful skeletal warrior, Icharyd. Immune to non-magical attacks, Neera eventually destroyed him with magic missiles while the rest of us kept him distracted–and suffered his brutal blows.

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We then descended into the underground school proper. It was a labyrinth of tunnels, but seemed to be only a den to wolves and spiders now. We moved slowly, Kivan stealthing ahead and Imoen looking for traps right behind him. After a few wolf attacks, our spells were spent and Kivan had serious injuries. It was approaching midnight, so we climbed back to the surface to make camp–knowing we will return in the morning.

Day 35: Leaving Ulcaster
7th Kythorn, 1368 DR

Overnight it appears a large pack of kobolds moved into the area. We were attacked by about a dozen in the early morning hours, then ended up engaging several more after we broke camp and returned to the ruins.

When we descended back underground, it looked like many wolves moved back into the ruins overnight as well–likely, they had been out hunting. We slew the aggressive creatures as we explored deeper. Eventually, we discovered what appears to be the only remaining tome of knowledge within the entire abandoned school. We surfaced and sought out the spirit of Ulcaster, who he seemed satisfied with the book’s return. I can only hope this stops the undead infestation in these parts.

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By noon we continued our travel southeast, still in the direction of Adoy’s Enclave. We fought another pack of undead wandering in the wilderness at some point. But despite the day of combat, I decided to continue our travel into the night.

Day 36: Kahrk
8th Kythorn, 1368 DR

We walked through the wilds from midnight until dawn, still southeasterly towards Adoy. By the time we were approaching the Firewine ruins, after another solemn night’s march, we were finally tired enough to make camp.


After the long night, our rest throughout the morning was a welcome relief. But by the early afternoon we resumed our travels and soon came upon the ruined Firewine Bridge itself.

Due to its geography, I had the feeling this whole area was a possible hotbed of bandit activity. We made sure to keep a keen eye on our surroundings as we progressed. At first we only ran into a few kobolds and a handful of innocent travelers–but then we discovered twisted evil in the river basin: a rambling mage driven mad–apparently the last survivor of an adventuring troupe–and her Ogre Mage torturer, Kahrk.

This evil monster was likely the most dangerous mage I’ve yet encountered. He cast Mirror Image, Minor Globe of Invulnerability, and Protection from Normal Missiles on himself, thereby making him invulnerable to our most effective tactics. We attempted to create distance between him and our party in the vast open space of the basin, but not before I was hit with two lightning bolts and an acid arrow spell. I was almost killed, but by the grace of Tyr I was able to heal my burnt flesh as the ogre lost sight of me. In the next several moments, we were able to magically Silence him from afar and then slay him with clubs, arrows, and magic missiles. (In the chaos of the battle I believe that Neera, in another unfortunate wild surge, *hastened* the Ogre, making our melee with him much more dangerous. Gah, this girl must be helped! Thankfully we are close to Adoy.)

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[RELOAD #6 - Kahrk…arghhh(k). First attempt to fight him, he perma-killed Neera with a Lightning Bolt after she used a Potion of Fire Breath on him (which worked pretty effectively actually!)…and then he landed about 3 acid arrows in a row and then a 5-pronged magic missile on my PC as I took too long to run away. We couldn’t bat through the mirror images fast enough. The next attempt, as described above, went better but was still close.]

Very injured, we decided to make camp early in the evening. We were troubled by a horde of zombies as the evening wore on, but were unbothered afterwards.

Day 37: The Firewine Dungeon
9th Kythorn, 1368 DR

The encounter with Kahrk yesterday disturbed me. With high likelihood that more malevolence was lurking nearby, I was drawn to the underground tunnels built beneath the bridge. Yes, we must get Neera to Adoy, but it would be wrong to just retreat from this area without ensuring all foulness was destroyed. So before dawn, we descended into the bridge’s dungeon.

This maze of underground corridors was trapped and full of kobolds, but slowly and carefully we made our way through. As anticipated, we soon encountered the real villains: another Ogre Mage, his human spellcaster companion Lendarn, as well as several ogrillons bursting from the alcoves and corners. But we used our spells strategically, Imoen set a trap, and my summoned skeleton warrior led the battle.

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When the fighting stopped, we followed a secret passageway to the surface, leading to the household of a halfling by the name of Jenkal. Very quickly it became clear he was an ally with the kobolds and villainy below, and just as quickly it came to violence.

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We emerged from the house in the small halfling village of Gullykin, some ways north on my map. It was around mid-day at this point, and halflings abounded. They and their leader Luckyfoot showed much gratitude with our slaying of the villains below. Before this, it seemed that there was nothing they could do and had just resolved to live with this evil right below their feet. I shiver to think of it!

We spent less than an hour in the village, visiting the temple and getting a look at the outlying land. But we had not truly cleared the entirety of the ruins yet. So while we were still healthy, we plunged back down, looking to extinguish whatever other wrongfulness may reside down here.

Mostly there were just kobolds and traps left. Deeper in the center of the complex, though, a pack of undead lurked. Around one corner, an undead knight attacked. He was wearing an ancient-looking set of armor that we gathered up after we had defeated him. Not moments later, we encountered several more ghastly figures of knights. They swiftly took the armor from us and dispersed into fog. I scoured the rest of the area, but there was no sign of any more undead. In fact, there was not much more sign of anything, monstrous or otherwise, within these hallways anymore. Praise Tyr!

Current Party:

Stea Roco, Level 6 Priest of Tyr
Kivan, Level 6 Ranger
Imoen, Level 6 Thief
Neera, Level 6 Wild Mage

Reputation: Heroic (18)
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