Funny videos thread


Ah yeah. Now that you mention it I've seen a couple key and peele sketches and I can definitely see them doing that.

One of them was some slaves at an auction, and all the other slaves were being bought first, and the gag was that even though they don't really wanna be slaves, eventually they start taking it personally.


I cannot. That's fine. A lot of the videos posted here are blocked actually. I wouldn't remark on it usually. The subject just struck me as unusual.

I can see the videos on this channel, and a few other international comedy central channels. I'm in Canada but I don't think there's a Comedy Central Canada channel. The channel is "Comedy Central UK" in case it's not showing up for you.

Used to be I had to go sites like facebook to watch key and peele videos, because they were all blocked on youtube, but these channels opened up recently for some reason.
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