I can't see underwater: Let's play Subnautica blind


#!@$$%#@! :mad:

Ok, I haven't made it this far with the logging, but sneak peak, I FINALLY found the last scanner fragment and it was in an easy spot that I've passed a million times. I have been looking for this thing for-goddamn-ever. I could have had it so long ago, though.


I'm still kicking myself over this. I mean, I literally picked the thing up with the gravity gun and shot it at a tiger plant to try and kill it (I figured it worked in Half Life, it might work here). If I knew what it was at the time, I would have just scanned it for the blueprint.


For lack of a better plan, I wander around a little more. I find some kind of alien vent system set up on a pillar and scan it. It doesn't tell me much.


I see this in the mushroom forest on the way back from the alien vent. My nerves are on edge so I don't stop to investigate closer. I note its approximate distance from the VIP pod. I return to the base and relax before planning a trip back. I'm a a little reluctant to hit another wreck. I need a couple diamonds to make a laser cutter and I've already seen one door in a wreck that needed a cutter to open. I don't know where to find diamonds, though.

I still go back to the mushroom forest. That wreck is my only lead, and if it has scanner station parts, that might solve my diamond problem. I get the rest of the blueprint for a modification station, as well as specs for a power cell charger, but no scanner. Damn the luck of it...


I wander and the PDA gives me reasons to wander back. “This biome has 7 of the 9 conditions to stimulate terror in humans”, “The conditions in this cave support a microcosm of unique, possibly predatory lifeforms”, and other good news. I find scraps of technology, including fragments of something called a stasis rifle, but still no scanner.



I try to go deeper into Staying Alive Zone, but only find No Fucking Way on the other side, too. I don't have anything that can protect me from or neutralize these creatures.

I decide to head towards No Fucking Way from my base. That's a path I haven't done before and I'm getting desperate. I really feel like this scanner room is the lynch pin of my whole operation. It pays off and I find a couple of diamonds. That's enough for the cutting torch. However, I want to find one more so I can also build a modification station. No luck.

I go back to base, build the new tool, and try to remember where I found doors I can cut through. One was near the maze-y wreck, the other in the mushroom forest. I think one was in a wreck near the Aurora. I do the first and get the specs for a lightweight O2 tank. Not bad, but I need the modification station, and something called plasteel, to build it. I decide on the Aurora wreck next. That mushroom forest wreck looks like a serious expedition and I'd rather save it for last. Plus, the Aurora wreck is near where I found those diamonds so I'm hoping to find another while I'm in the area.

I get an alert for a radio broadcast while I'm on my way, so I stop by the pod to pick it up. It's another lifepod beacon, this one is at 250m below surface and I'm warned that it's too deep for a direct dive. I believe I need a Seamoth, but I have no way to build one. Still, it's good to have an idea of my dive limit. I've passed 100m, but I suspect anything past 200m is where it gets dicey.

The Aurora wreck is disappointing. I find a chunk of a vehicle upgrade station, but I don't have a moonpool so that's moot, for now. I don't find any diamonds nearby, either. The most recent lifepod beacon is actually near my current position. Maybe it's the disappointment over this excursion or the desperation for a scanner, but I make my way towards it. Fortunately, my senses return before I reach 200m and I turn back.

Night falls before I can get back to base, but my lifepod is nearby so I spend the night there. The next day, I return home and consider my options.


I expand on the base while I ponder. I may need more room for storage and stations and I want to be ready. I'm a little more conspicuous, but I'm not sure if it matters in big scheme of things.

I return to the Mushroom Forest wreck for the door that needs a cutter and stumble upon some great fortune. I find a crevice that I had missed on my previous passes and pick up a good deal of lithium and three diamonds. I also find wreckage for a moonpool and secure that blueprint. I'm so excited, I rush back to base to build my moonpool and modification station. I upgrade my fins to ultra glides and my survival knife to a thermoknife. I build the moonpool and connect it to the base. I could build a seamoth, but I need some rubies for a power cell charger so I can fuel up the vehicle.

It seems I go right from one need to another. I only have one ruby currently and I can't remember where I found it. I go back to the Mushroom Forest wreck, if only to breach that last door. There's nothing of use and no rubies to be found. Perhaps it was when I peeked into Ozzy's Cave? I return there, but can't really explore due to a very territorial sand shark.



I wander around to places I've been, and even push beyond my previous limits in hopes of finding a ruby. I found a new mineral, uranitite, but no ruby.


It's pretty bad when a PDA is mustering up rudimentary sentience to crassly discourage me.

However, I ultimately find the scanner fragment. It is actually near the Aurora in a place I've passed by countless times before. I am kicking myself all the way back to the base. Perhaps now, I can find that ruby.




Well, so much for my secret base. I end up moving the homing beacon right to the base and put it under my initial structure. I haven't seen it draw any trouble and it's just more convenient this way.


I think I broke something and it's kinda driving me nuts:


Ok, so this is what I've done.

I build the scanner room on my base. Long story short, I took the cameras and then deconstructed the base. I wasn't trying to exploit for cameras or anything, I was just trying to figure out how the thing worked. These are Camera 1 and Camera 2.

Then, I rebuilt the base. This created Camera 3 and Camera 4. The first two cameras are in the locker. A little later, I build a second scanner room at a mini-base by the Aurora wreck. Those two also have Camera 3 and Camera 4. Eventually, I took the Camera 3 and Camera 4 from home base, put those in the locker, and then put Camera 1 and 2 back on the job. Side note, really annoying that I can label the lockers and Seamoth, but I can't rename cameras. I was totally going to name them after GLaDOS' personality cores. :)

I also created range upgrades. Thanks to being able to use the cameras to delve into Ozzy's cave. I was able to slip in with a Seamoth and pull out enough magnetite to get four range upgrades to max it out. The holomap expanded and filled the whole room, and all was good.

Then I got clever stupid, apparently. I was using the scanners to look for wrecks, after I pulled everything around homebase, I figured that I could use the range upgrades on the Aurora outpost and look for wrecks there. So, I pulled the upgrades, went to Aurora, and used it there. When I was done, I brought the upgrades back to the home base scanner room.

However, the holomap won't expand. It's just stuck as if I had no range upgrades. I tried sending my cameras out to scan the perimeter, but that didn't help. Fortunately, it's still finding stuff at the expanded range, it's just the holomap that's now nerfed. Not a gamebreak, but kinda annoying. Is there a way to fix it? I'm afraid to deconstruct the thing and rebuild it. That might only make matters worse.


I use the mobile cameras in the scanner room to explore from the safety of the base. All creatures ignore them, except for the stalkers looking for a chew toy. I decide to check out Ozzy's cave. Since the sand sharks will ignore the camera, I can get a better look around in peace.


This world only gets more and more stunning and horrifying. I believe I see the predator that the PDA warned me about. I also discover some magnetite. I'm too much of a coward to just swim there (and don't think my O2 would last), so I take the Seamoth. I recently discovered that it recharges at the moonpool, so I don't need to find rubies for a power cell charger before I can make regular use of the vehicle. In the cave, the sand shark leaves me alone as long as I don't get too close. The creature in the cave doesn't seem to notice me either. My method is to take a look around, quickly eject from the pod, scoop up the ore, and rush back into my Seamoth. I repeat as long as my courage holds out. I'm leaving nothing to chance.

Back at the base, I upgrade the range on the scanners. I also set them to look for wrecks. Unfortunately, it reveals nothing I haven't already found. I decide to build a satellite base near the Aurora. Hopefully, there are more wrecks to find nearer the crash site.


It's a simple outpost, and totally structurally sound. ;) I brought the range extenders from home base and start searching for wrecks. Unfortunately, this station also does not find anything I haven't already scavenged.

I spend the next few days or so between the bases just scanning for anything interesting to scavenge. The Seamoth is making me a coward as I quickly get used to it's relative safety and comfort. If only it had utility appendages, or at least a scanner upgrade. Though, perhaps it's better that it doesn't. I need to learn how to manage in this world, not hide away from it. Being limited with the Seamoth forces me to face my problems.

Then it hits me. I've been so busy with all the new upgrades and developments, I had forgotten about both the aliens and my infection. I need to deal with this and now seems like a good time. With all the exploration, I have not found any medical equipment. I think it's time to face the Aurora. However, I want to hedge my bets. I don't have a complete blueprint for a stasis rifle and I want this for the ship. I figure this is going to be better than the grav gun. I can freeze any hostiles, then chop them up with the thermal knife if needed.

I set the home base scanner to look for fragments. I start to have hope as blips pop up on the map, but that hope quickly evaporates. There are easily dozens of fragments in range, and most of them are going to be seaglide parts, laser cutters, and other things I just don't need. It's a real needle in a haystack situation.

Nevertheless, I get to work. I could just send the cameras around and then head out if I find the right fragment. But, I decide to let the scanner run and go personally (I have an upgrade that puts the blips on my own HUD). I figure, I'm actually starting to run low on titanium so heading out myself and scavenging the scraps with solve multiple problems. It will up my titanium supply while cleaning up the scanner blips.


Sure enough, I find lots of titanium. LOTS of titanium. So much that I decide to build a new wing just for titanium storage. This, I can expand as I need to.


I decide to also set up a base right by Ozzy's cave. I figure my cameras and scanners can make it further into the caves this way. I build a “platform” up top for better solar. It's rather impractical and I will likely switch it out for a biofuel generator when I am able.


I find some kind of camp in these caves. I can't believe it. Who in their right mind would set up here? Deeper into the caves, I find an outpost that has the schematics for an ultra high capacity O2 tank. This excursion is so nerve wracking, I don't even take the time to take a picture. I get attacked a couple of times by the cave's predator. Fortunately, I'm in the Seamoth, which barely makes it back to base due to the damage

I think about setting up outposts underground. However, I really only have solar for energy so it's not an option. I have biofuel generator blueprints, but I need another facility I don't have (multipurpose room) to install it.

I decide to go back to the hidden base in the caves. I was scared and rushed and feel like I probably missed something. That damn worm really packs a punch. It's a little ironic that the things I want to scan the most and better learn about are the things I don't dare go near, if possible.


I return to the hidden base and steel my nerves. I find that I missed quite a lot. There were a number of PDAs and furniture items I didn't scan before. On top of that, I was able to get the specs for a multipurpose room, which I need for a biofuel generator. I can now build bases in places too deep for solar. I also get the blueprint for a water filtration system. It seems like it can produce drinkable water from seawater. And, I can even harvest the salt byproduct separately. No more bladderfish! However, I need something called aerogel to make it and I don't really know how to do that yet.

I catch myself. I don't want to go down another rabbit hole with these new discoveries. I need to stay focused. I need a plan.


Did you scan the observatory as well?
Yeah. Only accidentally caught the mutli-function room when bobbing around trying to scan the water filtration system there. And I was like, oh wait, I can scan structures, not just machines? It was also shortly after then (sneak peak, on the Aurora) that I noticed a scanner icon pops up on the lower right around things I can scan. In my defense, I'm more focused on the things in the environment that can eat me than my HUD. 😀


I need a weapon. I need to get on the Aurora to look for some kind of med station to scan. I need to cure the infection. I need to find a way to disable the planetary laser. I need a rescue option.

So, let's start with a weapon. I can build more satellite bases with scanners to look for fragments in hopes of getting the blueprint for the stasis rifle. I think about putting it near the island where the alien laser came from. Is that too close? Is it too risky?

I have a couple of lifepods left to investigate. This will give me time to think. One is at 250m and the other at 300m. I upgrade the Seamoth to be seaworthy and sound up to 500m. I head to the shallower one first.


There's some kind of massive electric eel there. It's bigger than the Seamoth. I give it a wide berth and circle around to get to the pod. Inside, I find a databox for something called a repulsion cannon. It looks like an upgrade to the propulsion cannon where it loses the pull for a major boost to the push. The eel manages to take a chunk out of the Seamoth as I head back to safer waters, but the damage is minor and I make a quick stop at my old lifepod to repair it. I look over the specs for the repulsion cannon. This might be a suitable weapon. I listen to the lifepod inhabitant's log. Apparently, he had some kind of infection, as well. In his case, he was displaying symptoms of green, glowing boils. At least I know what to look out for.

I head to the other beacon and it is quite profitable. The pod itself has the final notes of the second officer, which includes the coordinates for a rendezvous point. There are also a lot of resources in the area. I find rubies, lithium, and even a gel sac which is the missing ingredient for aerogel. On top of that, there is a wreck nearby that provides the blueprints for a light stick and a thermal plant. Finally, I also discover another one of those alien vents nearby.


I decide to scout out the rendezvous coordinates from a distance. I find another island. I don't see any activity, but I also don't get too close. I consider going to the rendezvous, but then I started thinking about developing green, glowing boils. No, the Aurora is probably my best bet at this point. And the repulsion cannon could be the last piece of my preparations.

I need a propulsion cannon to create the repulsion cannon, but I don't want to sacrifice I one I already have. It's served me well as a fishing rod. So, I build a new one and then upgrade it. I then went out to test it. First, I tested it on a bladder fish. the cannon hit it so hard, it vanished from sight. Next, and it killed me to do this because of how peaceful and majestic they are, but I tried it on a reefback. Perhaps fortunately, it had no effect and it actually pushed me back from the attempt. Ok, so the cut off point is somewhere between a bladder fish and a reefback. I look for a sandshark next. It doesn't hit as hard as the bladder fish, but it hits hard. The sand shark launches away from me. In under a second, it's outside of my range of vision. Hasta la vista, baby! This will do just nicely.

I return to base and prepare for my trip. Extra batteries, extra water, a few nutritional blocks, every medkit that I can muster. I have a full complement of tools and a handful of flares. I consider trading in my ultra high capacity O2 tank for the lightweight high capacity one. I don't expect to do too much diving, but a part of the ship is underwater, so with my luck, that will be where I need to go. i decide on the lightweight, but put the ultra in the Seamoth as backup. I can always back out and gear up again.

I second guess myself when I think about the flares. I'm definitely taking them but I realize it could be quite dark inside and I only have so many. I think about the light sticks for which I recently found schematics. These are permanent and hands free, so I can keep dark areas lit as I go, making it easier to make a quick escape. However, they use a lot of resources for the amount I could potentially need. I'll have to settle for flares and my flashlight. If this doesn't cut it, I'll turn back and re-evaluate.

I load up the Seamoth with surplus supplies and double check my gear. I'm nervous and try to think of reasons to put off this trip. But, all I can think about is glowing green boils.


You've inspired me to start a new run in Subnautica: Below Zero!

Screenshot from 2024-09-30 15-45-38.png

I won't interrupt your thread with reports of my own, though, since I don't want to spoil anything about the second part of the series.



When you scanned the Multipurpose Room, you should have also automatically unlocked the blueprints for the Large Room (and the glass ceilings for both rooms).
I did get that too.

Story/character-wise, I'm more motivated to find a cure for the infection than to build a home here. I'm not sure how this all ends, but I still have hope of getting back to Earth or wherever I'm from. However, (sneak peak), I just had a couple of really disappointing expeditions, so I may need to dig in further to proceed. We'll see....


So, sneak peek, I've kind reached a point (I need to catch up on posting logs, I'm technically two behind) where I realize I need to go deeper into the planet. Much, much deeper than I thought I would. And, I don't want to, for two reasons.

One, it's not safe. I've pretty much stuck to Leviathan free areas. No spoilers please, but I think I've figured out that you can theoretically take out something like a Reaper, but it's really, really impractical (i.e. vortex/gas torpedo combo x10 or so). If I don't have an offense, or even a good defense/deterrent, leviathan waters seem like a suicide mission. Of course, the game not being safe is kind of the point. If it was all safe shallows, it wouldn't be a terribly interesting survival game. I just haven't figured out how I'm going to manage it, though.

Two, logistics. I'm seeing myself building a series of progressively deeper bases. My main base, though, is set up for mass storage. I certainly don't want to ferry all of my swag every time I move to a deeper base. But, I also don't want to have to backtrack to the safe shallows every time I need materials to build something. I know new locations will have new materials, but many locations I've found have some resources and not others. I can fit only 48 items in the Seamoth (three storage and one depth upgrade) to ferry materials. I don't think that is enough. I get the impression the cyclops is a significantly larger vehicle, but also think that's another problem. I've had a lot of tight fits with the Seamoth already. Taking a submarine through some tight caverns seems like trouble. I haven't figured this one out yet, either.

The closest I have to a solution for the latter, I'm taking from Terraria of all places. In that game, I have systems for hyper-efficient minimalist base management. I might be able to work that out here, but I'm still seeing a large material cost (like, easily more than a trip). You figure, a scanner room, water filter, power supply, food sourcing, basic appliances, etc. You can't fit all that in a Seamoth and your backpack.


I'm trying to think of a way to give you some advice for your current situation without spoiling too much, but I don't know how to do it. Any directions that I could give you would be a bit spoilery at this point.


I appreciate the restraint. Right now, I'm looking through logs and blueprints working out a strategy. It's a different kind of fun. I feel like most games that have "lore" just use it as superficial filler. But, I'm actually cross-referencing what I scanned from aliens with the Degasi logs and trying to work out what happened.

I would love to just build some progressively deeper mini-bases with just a single multi-purpose room that has a power source (bio or thermal, where applicable), a water filter, a growbed, some appliances, and just a little storage. However, I feel like I need a moonpool to safely park the Seamoth and a scanner room to learn the lay of the land at each outpost. It gets a little clunky at that point. I especially don't like moonpools. They're huge and annoying to place. But, I don't want to take any chances just parking my Seamoth "on the road" and have some leviathan come by to snack on it.


The game really makes you put in the work to piece everything together, doesn't it? It's the opposite of railroading the player. I guess that's one of the reasons why I like it so much. And I'm also a sucker for games that take place underwater.


I have great timing. Upon approach, I get an alert that the Aurora is going to become a major nuclear event in the next 24 hours, should its radiation not be contained.


PDA warns me that the digestive tracts of nearby lifeforms contain the remains of human tissue. I'm really hoping it's just these little guys. They're a nuisance, but not really deadly. I try the repulsion cannon. It knocks them around, but they recover quickly. So, I break out the propulsion cannon. I can pick them up and send them off to greener pastures far, far away.

I put out some fires and enter the ship. I quickly reach an intersection: cargo bay to the left, administration to the right. It feels like I've been on this planet for so long, and the ship is so torn up, I can't remember the way to medical. I head towards administration. Maybe there will be a map. Admin is a dead end. There are some logs, but nothing of use. The cargo bay needs a code and I don't have it. Backtracking, I find another entryway into the ship after I clear some debris with the propulsion cannon. I need to dive into the submerged keel.

I get nervous and go back to the Seamoth to trade in my lightweight tank for my ultra high capacity. The keel is long and I don't know how long I'll be down there. Fortunately, the path is only partially submerged and there are plenty of places to come up for air. I eventually end up at the drive room. The cores are fractured in near a dozen places. I'm glad I brought my repair tool. I set to work which is occasionally interfered with by some kind of leech. The propulsion cannon splatters them against the wall. I question if the repulsion cannon is really much of an upgrade. The propulsion cannon has been the star of this trip.


I patch up the cores and get an all clear message. However, I take off my lead lined headgear and still get a radiation warning. Perhaps that was too optimistic. I wouldn't mind just sticking with my rebreather and/or upgrading to a reinforced dive suit. However, anywhere near the Aurora means a radiation suit.

I continue to explore the ship. I find a bay with pieces of prawn suits. I scan them and can build one of my own now. I find the senior crew quarters. Only the captain's cabin is locked and I don't have the code. There's nothing of interest here anyway. I explore other areas, but access to the rest of the ship has collapsed or is blocked by flaming debris. The medical bay is likely now a molten lump of titanium. I curse my luck and leave the ship.

Side note: I'm kinda disappointed that's all there was to the Aurora. I was expecting a lot more. It's a HUGE wreck. The fragmented wrecks around the game world were generally more interesting. I seriously thought I missed something major and even cheated by skimming the wiki page for the ship. Nope. That's all, folks.

I return to base and unload all the assorted minor knick-knacks I recovered from the Aurora. I don't have another plan. I haven't scavenged a shred of useful medical equipment. The Aurora was a bust. Those were my options.

I look through my PDA for something, anything to give me some kind of direction. I find Second Officer Keen's log and remember the island with the rendezvous point. I'm sure nobody is there. Keen is dead like everyone else. But, I go anyway. What do I have to lose at this point.


I arrive at night, but I wait in the Seamoth until daybreak. I'm not exploring this island in the dark.



I don't find Keen, or anyone for that matter. There are a few cave crawlers running around, but I use the propulsion cannon to send them on a long distance swim. I find some more old bases like in Ozzy's Cave. I scan everything I can. I now have planters and can start a farm. Or maybe just bury myself in one for fertilizer when the infection kills me. I get the last bit of information I need for a stasis rifle blueprint. I find some strange alien tablet. I have no idea what to do with it, but I take it. There's nothing to point me to a cure. On top of that, one of the logs I read really disturbed me. Apparently, the team that was here before contracted some kind of illness. I believe I am listening to the log of the last survivor. He mentions an illness and the others “rejoining the ecosystem” or something creepy like that.

Up until now, I was thinking this infection might just kill me, at worst. Is it instead going to turn me into some kind of creature? What the hell is going on here?
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The game really makes you put in the work to piece everything together, doesn't it? It's the opposite of railroading the player. I guess that's one of the reasons why I like it so much. And I'm also a sucker for games that take place underwater.
Totally agree. It's one of my favorite things about the game. I mean, there's beacons to information (PDAs), but you still have to synthesize the information you find and create a plan. I wish more games would do this instead of dumbing it down and giving the player a chain of quest markers to follow. Quest markers ruin everything. :p

The underwater thing is definitely different. Having no real weapons is also different. I like it, though (even though the underwater bit gives me anxiety). It really puts a player outside of a typical comfort zone.
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