You know which moment I mean. *That* moment of truth, where we have to see where her heart is, what her motivations are.
I had heard of the infamous DC30 and considered it very bad writing. So I wasn't sure how to handle the situation when it came up. Of course I wanted Shadowheart to be good, didn't want to be wrong about her, but the Nine Hells, I wanted it to be her choice. I wanted the moments we had lived through to mean something.
So when I obviously failed that check the first 4 times and my Inspiration points for rerolling were used up, I thought about reloading. Save-scumming the check.
Then I thought, that's not how it should be. We have traveled together, fought, talked, made decisions, became friends. Either that has made an impact or (let's leave aside for a moment that it could just have been badly scripted) it hasn't, in which case she isn't the person I thought she is.
I wanted her to let the Nightsong live, but because I thought the person she has become would make that choice naturally.
Passing a DC30 Persuasion check is the equivalent of really skillfully talking someone with spell-enhanced charisma into something they don't want to do. It's basically making them obey my wishes.
So I thought, screw you Larian writers if that's what it takes. I need to trust her to make her own choices or all the personality growth doesn't mean anything.
And if that means I find out she's indeed a deeply fanatic cold-hearted Sharran, then I have to live with that fact and she doesn't have the place in my group that I thought she has.
So I let her act, and watched how she struggled and hesitated and HOW SHE CAST THE SPEAR INTO THE ABYSS BECAUSE SHE CHOSE TO LET THE NIGHTSONG LIVE and damn that was awesome to watch, I was so proud of her. She didn't need to be persuaded and basically charmed into making the right choice. She made it herself because that's who she is and because our time together meant something and made her realize or remember there's more to life than what the clerics drilled into her.
That was a great moment, she's awesome, and she has earned her new look and can wear it with pride. It's all hers.
And I'm glad I thought "to hell with your bad scripting!" because if I had save-scummed the DC30 I'd never have found out.
Now I think the DC30 was just there as last resort backup option for people who maybe had either low approval or had made evil choices before and therefore influenced her development otherwise. You know, like that DC30 lockpick in the monastery if you don't find the specific item or key to unlock it.