Should we arrange subcategories for bigger game franchises

Should we arrange subcategories for bigger game franchises?

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Our forum grows! Just recently, 2 fresh users joined, hopefully, more are on the way!

Let's vote and see what the community thinks. We already have a Baldur's Gate 3 section. Is it time to introduce more? The General RPG Discussion section now has 10 pages.

Eventually, every forum should get those, but the question is--are we there yet? Back when we started, we had a section for Infinity Engine games, but the experiment wasn't successful, as there was not enough traffic yet.

If you vote "Yes", then feel free to offer which franchises those should be.

I'll leave this poll running for a while.


I'd say that the Infinity Engine games could have their own section, as there are several different threads about them.

Pathfinder games probably not, as there's only one thread for both Kingmaker and WotR. Same goes for the Diablo franchise, there's just one thread for it.

There were several threads in the past about some Gold Box games IIRC. But those have been inactive for some time.


I wouldn't mind a Pathfinder subcategory.

Sometimes you only have one thread because there are no categories and people cluster their discussion.

Discussing builds or asking beginner's questions in a no-reload thread can make it difficult to find information.


I could see an IE category, as @m7600 said. I'd be tempted to throw Fallout into the mix, but a) I have a lot of personal bias and b) I'm hesitant to create a new space where 🤮 Fallout 4 and 76 could get some exposure. :p Maybe a section for classic console? FFV four job runs could be interesting and there's a lot of great stuff on SNES emulation.

Edit: Actually, forget my other dumb ideas, what about a section just for play reports, regardless of game?
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Staff member
Edit: Actually, forget my other dumb ideas, what about a section just for play reports, regardless of game?
This is a good idea, in my opinion. I'd dare to say, that gameplay reports and/or no reload runs have the greatest exposure on Tavern, more than one specific game or even series of games. Creating a section specifically for those kind of things would make it even more cozy for people who enjoy to share their gaming adventures with others.


Staff member
I'd say we need more votes in the poll before any change is made. ;)

As for the difference between this site and, say, Reddit, it changes from month to month, and is impossible to predict. People are the source and the real "soul" of any place. So if (and it seems that way) there are so many enthusiastic and dedicated writers and hardcore players here, it's a joy to see. Discussions of games will come with more people.

Also, time affects that. I had a post about Nier: Automata somewhere, for example, but the thread was deleted by its OP later, so I'll have to re-post the comment later (so that maybe others could discuss Nier if they ever feel like playing the game), when I feel like coming back to that game (I haven't finished it yet), but that would mean I have to stop playing ESO, heh.
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