Tres Generaciones: A Fallout Saga


This idea popped into my head while reading the Alesia's Fallout 3 run. I haven't played Fallout in a while, so I guess it's about time for another run.

Greetings, fellow wastelanders! I am about to begin a Fallout run that will span multiple games and generations. The concept for the run is pretty simple. I'll be doing a roleplay run through all the Interplay/Obsidian Fallout titles (Fallout, Fallout 2, and Fallout: New Vegas, but with a little twist. The characters across all the games will be related and their builds will match their roleplay concepts.

If you're familiar with the games, I know what you're thinking. You probably already know that the protagonist in the second game is actually the grandchild of the protagonist from the first game. So, no major creative work needed on my end there. Sure. However, I'm working into the overall narrative that the protagonist in New Vegas is actually the child of the protagonist of the second game. You can cue your shock and amazement now.

On top of that, I'm aiming to use different builds for each of these games. My first thought was to build them all up front, just so I knew what was in store for me, but I did a test starter run with my plan for my Fallout 1 build and...



let's just say I had that coming. (And, this was very early in the game)

So, we'll see what happens. I may end up retconning things here and there, especially in the first game, since I haven't played it in literal decades.



Episode One: Billy the Mountain


Billy (20 years old, male)
Fast Shot, Small Frame
Energy Weapons, Unarmed, Speech
Perks: Toughness (EN 6, LK 6), Bonus HtH Attacks (AG 6), Bonus Rate of Fire (PE 6, IN 6, AG 7), Better Criticals (PE 6, AG 4, LK 6), Toughness (EN 6, LK 6), Sniper (PE 8, AG 8, SG 80), Toughness (EN 6, LK 6)

Guillermo “Billy" Peregrino was a bit of a hothead (Unarmed, Fast Shot). He was a smart kid (IN 7) who just ran his mouth a little too much (CH 1, Speech). While he wasn't the strongest stock (ST 4, Small Frame), he was a scrapper (EN 6) and quick on his feet (PE 7, AG 9). Largely due to lack of ambition and other attitude problems, he was a third-class technician in the vault (the lowest ranking occupation). However, he always felt like he had some kind of undiscovered potential (Energy Weapons) he wouldn't be able to explore as a vault dweller. Unlike the other vault dwellers, Billy was actually hoping to draw the short straw (LK 7) and had to go look for the water chip. He felt like he was destined for greater things and getting out into the world might just be the way to discover his real destiny.


So, things had been going pretty well in Vault 13 for the last eighty or so years since the bombs dropped. Our hero, TTC (Technician Third-Class) Guillermo Peregrino, though he went by “Billy”, was unclogging the nozzle of a chicken soup machine when he heard that the Overseer was calling all residents for an emergency meeting. He tossed his 14-B (a soup nozzle unclogger) into his cart and moseyed over to the common area.

The Overseer was clearly distressed. He announced that the water chip, which was responsible for recycling their water supply, was no longer functioning. Someone was going to to have to go out into the world and look for one. Only two people have ever previously left the vault. One was Ed, who departed under mysterious circumstances when Billy was a small child. The other was Talius, who volunteered to go out years ago when the water chip first started acting up. This time, in order to be fair, the Overseer stated that there would be a random selection to determine who would go, with the Overseer being exempt, of course.

The squabbling started immediately. How would they decide randomly? Would they use the computer to select? Is that really random? Shouldn't allowances be made for other essential members of the vault? While people were arguing, Billy grabbed a handful of 14-Bs from his cart along with a single 14-F, the latter being a milkshake nozzle unclogger, identical to the 14-B, just 1.2cm shorter. He dropped the bunch of lots on a table in the middle of the room. People continued to squabble. Isn't drawing lots primitive? Won't the tech know which one to pick? And so on.

The Overseer collected the uncloggers and hushed the crowd. He instructed everyone to draw one and compare it with the person next to them. When people started to compare, he found himself next to Patricia Blais. He had been carrying a crush on her since his childhood. This would be the first time she would even acknowledge his existence. They nervously compared lots, Patricia nervous she might have picked the short one, Billy nervous he was face to face with his crush. As they brought their uncloggers together, Billy thought he noticed that hers was actually the short one. Based on the look of terror growing on Patricia's face, he thought she was starting to realize this, too.

Billy pretended to stumble and knocked both uncloggers out of their hands. He quickly dropped to the floor and was sure to take the 14-F, passing Patricia the 14-B. They compared again and Billy had the short straw. Patricia looked relieved and turned away, almost immediately forgetting what Billy did and how she almost had the short straw. Billy didn't mind. He had his moment and was probably the one resident that didn't mind leaving the vault. After the lucky winner was revealed, the crowd calmed down and proceeded to go about their business, most not even bothering to wish Billy good luck.


The Overseer gave Billy a more detailed briefing and some basic equipment before walking him to the vault entrance. Billy was to head east, where he should find another vault that might have a spare water chip. The Overseer offered some hollow words of encouragement as the door shut behind Billy.


Billy walked out of the vault and he was greeted by Ed, or maybe it was Talius. It was hard to tell who it was as only a pile of bones and a vault suit remained. Whoever it was, did he perish right after departure? Or did he make it somewhere and then tried to come back? Billy found some ammo and a knife in the remains, but no gun. Billy hoped he at least made it into the world a ways (and lost his firearm) before trying to return. The alternative scenario would be more discouraging.


After fighting through some overgrown rats that made their home in the caves, Billy reached the cave mouth and saw the sun for the first time. This alone made drawing the short straw worth it.


Episode Two: It's a Short Game, But Not That Short


With but one destination in his Pip-Boy, Billy headed east to Vault 15. On his way, he saw a small village in the distance. It looked like others have already left their vaults, or perhaps they were somehow descendants of survivors who never had a vault. In any event, he did not let this distract him from his mission. He continued to the other vault and saw nothing else of interest on the way.


Billy was a little unimpressed at first seeing the entrance was just a hole in the ground. Then again, his vault was in the back of a rat-infested cave so he was not one to judge. More of concern, it would appear that Billy was not the first to find this vault. Had Talius already been here? Well, this was his only lead so his only choice was to press on.


This was definitely not a good sign. Billy could only imagine what kind of explosive it would take to blow a vault door off its hinges.


Billy was not alone in this vault. Rats had moved in here, and some of them were pretty damn huge.


Billy hit a dead end. He would need some rope to descend the elevator. He could go back to the vault to try to get some extra supplies, but the village he saw was closer. Plus, it would give him a chance to see what people were like in the outside world.


The place was called Shady Sands. It was a simple place. Not primitive, but certainly rustic. The residents at the gate recommended that Billy speak with their elder.


While wandering the village looking for the elder, he inconspicuously rummaged through one of the resident's shelves and found rope as well as a magazine about outdoor survival. He snatched both when nobody was looking. Billy had never stolen anything before, but he was in a dire situation and needed all the help he could get.


He crossed paths with the elder's daughter, Tandi. She seemed to be quite the firecracker. Billy bet that she would really raise a ruckus someday.


The elder himself was in a bit of a state over a problem the village had with radscorpions. Billy was feeling bad about pinching the rope and magazine so he offered to help. The villager at the front gate provided directions to the cave from where the radscorpions were coming and Billy set off to find them.


These radscorpions were real tough bastards. Fortunately, what Billy lacked in power was more than made up for with speed. It took some time, but Billy ran circles around the bugs and eventually took them all down. He returned to the village and reported his success. He also helped the village doctor concoct an antidote to the radscorpions' poison, should the problem ever resurface.


Rope in hand, Billy returned to the vault. The subsequent floors were all in as rough shape as the top floor. Rats were everywhere as well. This place had been gutted for sure.


Sure enough, there was no water chip here. Well, at least Billy picked up a snazzy leather jacket and some other loot along the way. He remembered some folks in Shady Sands mentioning a place called Junktown. That sounded like the kind of place that might have old Vault-Tec hardware. He decided to check back at the village to get directions, and then he would go back to the vault to update the Overseer.
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This is a great idea for a thread, simply a treasure box (or should I say, a Nuka-Cola box?)

I ought to mention, I'm trying to keep it to the canon story/timeline as well (with the addition of the New Vegas protagonist being related to the priors), just fleshing it out where needed. So, Talius and Ed are actual characters from the lore, for example. Even Patricia Blais is a development of a character mentioned in the canon. So, I'm not really creating an entirely new story, just adding some meat to the lore that is already there.

While I don't have my builds fully formulated, there are certain choices I'm avoiding because they aren't canon (e.g. the Bloody Mess trait in Fallout 1 changes the ending to a non-canon one, so I didn't take it). I already worked out a timeline for the characters that spans about 150 years and know all the important canon story points I intend to make happen. But, there are a ton of details I'm working out as I play. Like, I have the broad strokes, now I need to fill in the details. :)


Episode Three: You Can't Go Home Again


Tandi had been kidnapped while Billy was at Vault 15. Billy knew that girl would get into trouble someday, but this was sooner than expected. The village simply did not have the people to try and rescue her. Billy volunteered. He figured that, if he succeeded, it could help the vault in the long run having allies that knew the world as it now was. Tandi's boyfriend provided Billy directions to a nearby bandit camp. Billy checked his gear and then headed south.


Billy arrived at the raider camp. He put on a brave face, but he was disgusted by what he saw. Strung out junkies and barbarians with slaves lived here. Billy was no angel himself, but this was beyond the pale. He would have preferred to take a less subtle approach, but he was far out-gunned by these miscreants. Billy knew he was off-putting, so he capitalized on it with a rather risky gambit. Rather than make any kind of threat, he would let their imaginations fill in the blanks.


Fortunately, his bluff worked and he was able to leave with Tandi in tow. Still, he made a mental note of the place. Someday, Billy would come back and clean house. For now, he returned to Shady Sands. The elder was grateful, but he could not provide any specific directions to Junktown.


Billy asked around town and had success when he crossed paths with Ian, a carvan guard turned village guard that was resting up. Not only did he have directions to Junktown (as well as a place called the Hub), Billy convinced him to come along for the ride.


Speaking of rides, on their way to the vault to check in, they happened across an overturned Nuka-Cola truck. Unfortunately, there was nothing to drink, but...


(And, speaking of Nuka-Cola boxes, @Antimatter...)

The Nuka-Cola box of bottlecaps Billy found amongst the wreckage would definitely come in handy.


They also crossed paths with a strange traveler along the way with whom they happened to share camp for the evening. It was a welcome respite to drink some shine and sing some songs. Billy walked away from the encounter feeling more self-assured for some reason.

(If you sing with this character, you get a permanent +1 to Charisma)


Unrest was growing in the vault. Some folks were worried they would run out of water and wanted to head out into the world before that came to pass.


However, Billy talked to the leader of the dissenters and convinced them to be patient. The rest of the world had been an interesting place to visit, but Billy was not sure he would want to stay there.


Billy reported back to the Overseer. He was disappointed that Vault 15 did not bear fruit. However, Billy assured him he was following other leads and it just might take a little longer than expected. The Overseer provided Billy with some more supplies and urged him to make haste.

As they left the vault and headed back into the wasteland, Billy realized that Ian was quiet the whole time. He asked Ian what he thought of the place. Ian just let out a sigh and said, “Well, that was different...”

Billy was feeling different himself. He had only been gone a few weeks at this point, but to him, it felt like a year. Billy also realized that he had actually passed right by Patricia in vault, but did not even notice at the time. The thought passed as quickly as it came. It was time to head to Junktown.


Episode Four: Another Red Herring


Much to Billy's dismay, he quickly realized that Junktown earned its name, not because it sold a lot of junk, but it was apparently built out of it. Regardless, it was a long journey and he needed a good night's rest.


And a good night's rest was all Billy got. He hit the ground running the next morning by dealing with a hostage situation in the flophouse. He was able to talk down the attacker and convince him to just go on his way.


Billy found another traveling companion while meandering about the town. He named him, “Dogmeat”.


Killian Darkwater ran the town, as well as the general store. Billy gave his stock an earnest once over. Sure enough, no water chips for sale.


Before he could tell Ian it was time to hit the road, Billy found himself in the middle of an assassination attempt on Killian. Billy was pulled into the town's turmoil. He was still beating himself up a little over not being able to take down the raider camp, so he offered to help. All he needed to do was record a confession from Gizmo, the town's criminal kingpin. Killian could legally apprehend him from there.


It did not take much to get Gizmo to hire Billy to assassinate Killian. Gizmo must have been desperate.


With evidence in hand, Killian assembled some of the guards to make an arrest. Billy stayed on the job to confront Gizmo. Unfortunately, the crime boss would not come peacefully.


The town also had a gang problem that needed to be handled. This was a simple matter for Billy. He convinced one of the Skullz to cut her gang ties and pursue a different life. He was able to later convince her to testify against the group.


Junktown was now a quieter and safer place. For Billy, this meant one more ally for his vault. Two men and a dog went to the local bar to toast their success. They made another new friend, a Desert Ranger by the name of Tycho. He had been taking some time off to relax in Junktown. He taught Billy a few things about surviving in the wild. (he has a conversation option that boosts Outdoorsman). Billy invited the ranger to come along. Tycho, now rested up, joined the companions.

Next stop, the Hub. Ian mentioned it was the largest trading center he had ever seen. If anyone would have a water chip, they would.


Just started watching the show though, maybe that'll change my mind.

I haven't watched the show but considering how hands on Todd Howard is with the "vision" for the show, I wouldn't let it contribute too much to your perception of Fallout at large. Todd Howard was responsible for a game ending so bad, they needed to release a DLC to fix it (Fallout 3), for the literally worst ideas/writing I've ever seen in any RPG (Fallout 4) and then doubling down on that by turning the franchise into a shitty looter-shooter MMO (Fallout 76). The only other Todd Howard creation I've played was Skyrim, which did well enough with the gameplay, but it didn't really ring anyone's bell with the concept and writing. All this is why I'm intentionally avoiding the show. Fallout 4 did enough to ruin the franchise for me. My fragile psyche just can't take another hit. :)

But, that's just Bethesda. They can design good enough gameplay (usually with mods), but they don't even have the chops to write a Christmas card.

The Interplay/Obsidian side of the franchise has a lot more quality/authenticity. That being said, the classic games can be tough to play unless you're into retro gaming. There are so many deep cuts in New Vegas. Some of it is really profound. And, this is considering they had to cut a lot content due to a short deadline. Part of me wants to rush through the first two games here, just because I'm really looking forward to another trip to the Mojave..


Episode 5: Mission Accomplished!


The Hub was vast and with many merchants. There was even a merchant that just sold water, but nobody had a Vault-Tec water chip. Billy did pick up a lead, though. There was a library where the librarian had a holodisc that indicated the location of a number of vaults. She sold it to Billy for the steep price of 750 caps.

(I already screwed up the story a little. I was supposed to broker a deal with the water merchants to send some water to the vault. That is, at least, canon lore. Doing so would buy me more time to find the water chip. This is also the event that reveals the existence of Vault 13's location to the world, which causes the vault problems and results in the second main quest. However, I still had more than 100 of the 150 days left to find it and I knew I wouldn't even come close to the deadline so I didn't even think of getting more water for the vault. I'm sure the devs came up with something. We'll see what happens.)


It only contained information about three vaults. Billy was already familiar with Vaults 13 snd 15, but the holodisc mentioned Vault 12 as being in a place called Bakersfield. Billy knew nothing about this vault.


Fortunately, Tycho knew where to go. These days, that area was called Necropolis, the home of ghouls. Ghouls were apparently long-lived humans, most of whom were alive when the bombs dropped, that were horribly mutated by the radiation into their current state. Some of them still retained their senses, but many were feral and dangerous. Billy did not like the prospect, but it was his only lead.


The companions approached Necropolis and Billy saw ghouls for the first time. They were certainly a sight to behold. Luckily, Billy found that they would keep to themselves as long as Billy kept his distance. Since the vault was likely underground here, they took to the sewers to find an entrance.


What they did find was a settlement of friendly ghouls. This lot were apparently outcasts from the main community, led by the a particularly vicious ghoul that went by the name of Set. Billy was hoping they could just slip in and out with the water chip. However, the leader of the splinter group said that it was currently their only source of water. While they had a pump system that pulled and purified ground water, it was now broken. This complicated things for Billy. Some of these ghouls were clearly well-meaning and he didn't want to condemn them to dying of thirst. So, he offered to help. The leader advised him he would need some spare parts that could likely be found around town, which Billy could use to fix the pump. With that, Billy and friends departed.


Billy not only found some spare parts, he also found a futuristic blaster gun. Billy was rubbish during is assessment for security training and couldn't hit the broad side of a vault with a 10mm. For some reason, this weapon felt rather comfortable in his hands. He did not have much ammunition for it, but he held onto it and would save it for a rainy day.

He came out of the sewers near the water plant and discovered another new form of wasteland life, the supermutants. They were also previously humans, like ghouls, but exposed to the Force Evolutionary Virus (FEV) to become an entirely new creature built to survive in the wasteland. Fortunately, they seemed docile, for now.


Apparently, FEV had varying effects on the subjects cognitive abilities. Billy was able to convince this one that he was not a human, but actually an advanced type of robot, in order to get access to the water plant.

(I sorta screwed up here, too. Per the FO Bible, Ian actually dies in a fight with these supermutants (specifically one with a flamethrower). However, I know I can't take these guys on directly so I'm bullshitting my way to success.)


Fixing the water pump was easy enough. The ghoul leader had provided Billy with a number of repair manuals that came in handy for the task. In the back of the facility was a number of cells. In one was a ghoul who had stolen water but he knew the location of Vault 12. Billy released him and the ghoul told him it was actually in the next cell over. Sure enough, the neighboring cell had a manhole that descended into a cave that lead the the vault.


Success! Billy now had a water chip for the vault. All that was left to do was to deliver the chip to the Overseer, become the hero of Vault 13, and rest on his laurels for the rest of his days.


Episode Six: Just When I Thought I Was In, They Found a Way to Get Me Back Out


Billy returned to the vault, handed over the chip, and received his accolades.


However, the Overseer's gratitude was short-lived as he immediately followed up with another mission. He wanted Billy to single-handedly end the mutant threat. Billy was astounded. Aside from a few fights with some overgrown rats and scorpions, all he really did was bullshit his way to getting the water chip for the vault. Those supermutants were huge! Fighting just one of them would be an ordeal. Having to mow through what is probably a highly secure location crawling with them would be suicide. Billy could not think of what to say. He certainly wanted to say no. He intended to say no. But somewhere between his brain and his mouth the message changed to, “Once more unto the breach my friend".

Stupid, Billy. Just stupid.




Billy was not sure what to do. He went back to the Hub to get some books on science and technology so he could figure out how to even disable a lab. However, the prices were exorbitant and out of his price range. He also was not the most rugged fighter, so he took some odd jobs around town to thicken his skin.


Eventually, he stumbled on a weapon merchant that knew about the Brotherhood of Steel. Apparently, they have the best firepower in the wasteland. Billy figured that he would not need to learn the technical skills if he could just blow up the lab. So, the Brotherhood was to be his next stop.


The entrance to the Brotherhood was just a nondescript shed in the middle of nowhere with a couple of guards. Billy spoke to one, who said that he could join the Brotherhood, but only if he retrieved an artifact of great importance from a place called the Ancient Order. The catch was that this site was highly radioactive. Billy had some Rad-X, though, so he accepted the mission without hesitation.


The Ancient Order started as a hole in a ground. Fortunately, Billy still had some extra rope on hand from Shady Sands. He tied off a line and they descended.


The Ancient Order was definitely a pre-war facility. It looked similar to the architecture of Billy's vault, but with a very different layout. On the first floor, Billy found a dead Brotherhood soldier in possession of a holodisc. He figured this would suffice for the Brotherhood's test. Still he explored deeper, if only to scavenge.


Two more floors down, Billy came across a different elevator system. He was tempted to go further, but he was already laden to the gills with salvage and could not carry more. Billy would be back.


Billy returned to the Brotherhood and turned over the holodisc. Sure enough, this awarded him membership in their secret militia. Now it was time to tool up.


Episode Seven: Full Metal Jacket...and Pants


Billy quickly found out who he needed to talk to in order to get better gear. Supplies were limited, but a training supervisor offered to set him up with some extra equipment in exchange for a voluntary mission. Billy wanted a set of that power armor, for sure.


They found the missing initiate being held prisoner in the hub. The fight was a hairy one and Ian really took a beating.


Nevertheless, everyone survived and Billy returned to the bunker for his reward. Power armor was one of the options and Billy jumped at the chance.


Also in the bunker, he found a surgeon who could provide augmentations to his natural abilities. He took advantage of this. The procedures were pricey, but Billy could not think of a better use for his money.


He met with the high elder of the Brotherhood. They too, were aware of the mutant threat. Since Billy and the Brotherhood had a common goal, he offered to scout out the wasteland to find their location. This was his first official mission as a Brotherhood initiate. To help him on his way, they issued him a Power Fist as an upgrade to his spiked knuckles.



Billy had a good sense as to how dangerous his course was from here. He did not want to be responsible for the death of the friends due to his own personal mission. Back at the hub, they had a round of drinks, and then parted ways. Billy would have to go alone from here.


Unfortunately, one of his companions would not take the hint, despite Billy urging Dogmeat to be on his way. Eventually, Billy gave up. “It's your funeral, dog," he said as they left town.

It's at this point I totally regret taking Small Frame. I could really use that extra 80lbs. of carry weight right now. I would switch to Mutate at level 9 to get rid of it, but then I'd lose AG, which I don't want. If I were doing this again, I'd probably swap Small Frame for something like Good Natured. However, I'm quite far into the game at this point, so I might as well see it through.


Episode Eight: We Need a Montage

Billy had a number of things he wanted to do before he went knocking on the supermutants door. He still had sections of the Ancient Order left unscavenged. There also was a settlement, the Boneyard, not entirely out of the way from the Ancient Order, that Billy thought might be worth checking out. He decided to head to the Ancient Order first and use the Boneyard as a fallback point if needed.


He went back to the crater and delved deeper. There he found a supercomputer that explained all the projects on which that facility worked, including the FEV virus and the power armor Billy was currently wearing.


He also found a new weapon. This rifle looked like it meant business. Billy grabbed it. It was a rather hefty weapon. Even with the strength augmentation of the power armor, just lugging the thing around was cumbersome.


While heading to the boneyard, Billy stumbled upon this scene. Aliens? They're real? One of them had a strange energy pistol, the other had a portait of some human. Billy took both.

Full confession, I farmed for this encounter. I was planning on the plasma rifle for endgame, but the weight of it all is going to kill me. The Alien Blaster is 15lbs. lighter. The ammo is 60% the weight (albeit you get 80% the rounds per stack, but still you're coming out ahead). The Alien Blaster does 20% more damage than the plasma rifle on average, but the range is much, much shorter (10 hexes vs. 35 hexes for the upgraded plasma rifle). There are definitely trade-offs, but it's still a great weapon and will get me to endgame.


To test out his new toy, Billy recalled he had some unfinished business with a raider camp.


Since he would be facing supermutants in the future, he also did a trial run at Necropolis. It was successful.

I screwed up here. The place was actually overrun with supermutants. I believe I was supposed to accept a mission from the other leader of the place and then clear out the supermutants on the first pass. Now, all the ghouls were wiped out and there were just supermutants everywhere. Well, at least I avenged them. Additionally, you can actually find Talius (the other Vault 13 resident to look for the water chip) in Necropolis, but I missed that this run.


Before scouting out the supermutant base, Billy decided to scope out the Boneyard and see what it was all about. He quickly was hired to settle a gang war and take down the Razors.


But it appeared that things were not as they seemed. The Regulators were actually secretly in control of the Boneyard under the guise of being its protectors.


The Razors needed better gear to take on the Regulators. Billy knew the Gun Runners were to the east so he went to broker a deal.


The Gun Runners were actually trapped in their base due to a nest of deathclaws between the Boneyard and themselves. If Billy would deal with the Deathclaws, the Gun Runners would gear up the Razors.


The deathclaws on the surface seemed to keep maintaining their numbers no matter how many were killed. Billy discovered a nest underground under guard by a deathclaw queen. The alien blaster made short work of her.

That was a difficult screenshot to get. I ended up doing the fight a second time because I missed it the first.


It was then that Billy realized he could really go for an omelette...

I think this level up is where I swapped out Better Criticals for another rank of Toughness. Better Criticals is great with aimed shots or Sniper. Billy will have neither. Besides, I'm getting close to endgame. I doubt I'll get any more perks at this point. Unfortunately, Toughness only helps with normal, and a lot of supermutants have energy, fire, and explosive.


With the deathclaw problem solved, the Gun Runners were able to arm the Razors.


And, the Razors asked Billy to help take down the Regulators.


After the battle was over, Billy had to wonder if it was worth it. Many people died in the battle, not just Razors and Regulators, but innocent bystanders as well. So it goes. Billy took comfort in the fact that at least it was over. The Boneyard could have an honest, fresh start.

Billy now had nothing keeping him from his mission for the Brotherhood. With Dogmeat at his side and the Boneyard at his back, he headed northwest to find the supermutant base.

I am currently at my max weight of exactly 175lbs. That's 100lbs. for Hardened Power armor, a few pounds for the alien blaster, a few pounds of tools, and the rest ammo. I have 800+ rounds of ammo, though, which is more than enough for the rest of the game. There's really nothing else to get, nothing worth looting (except maybe meds), and no other side quests worth doing. It's a straight shot to endgame from here.


Episode Nine: Cool Guys Don't Look at Explosions


Billy found the military base and approached under the cover of darkness. He considered reporting back to the Brotherhood and perhaps getting backup, but he was feeling confident and so he pressed on.


He was greeted upon entry. Oddly enough, no alarms were sounded at the base.


There were too many dangers for Dogmeat, particularly with the force fields. He had already wandered into one of the malfunctioning ones and took some serious damage. Billy quarantined Dogmeat as he went, if only for the dog's protection.


Billy found the control room, as well as how to shut down their lab. It was not subtle, but it would get the job done.




Billy didn't look back as the military base imploded behind him.


He reported back to the Brotherhood. Elder Maxon was pleased. Of course, there was still a confrontation to be had with The Master.



Billy seemed to recall some chatter in the Boneyard about the Cathedral, a possible base for The Master. The leaders of the Followers of the Apocalypse had a contact inside that could help them out. One of the other members provided the location.


Billy went to the Cathedral and made contact with the spy. She was able to get him access to a restricted area. He ascended the tower, but this only brought him to the cult leader. From him, he procured a key, with which he descended into the bowels of the Cathedral.


Another vault? Billy was surprised. This vault was not on the manifest the Hub library provided.


The place was a madhouse. Cultists and supermutants were everywhere. Along the way, Billy picked up something called a psychic nullifier. It looked like a gimmick, but better safe than sorry.


Billy went deeper and soon found himself face to face with The Master, the former Richard Grey. Its plan was to convert any humans it could into supermutants under its control. Anyone who could not be converted would either die or live out their lives in confinement, never to breed and continue the human race.


However, Billy knew of a flaw in The Master's plan. He did not think much of it at the time, but while getting acquainted with the Brotherhood, Billy happened across some apparently valuable information. One of the Brotherhood's scientists had discovered that supermutants are sterile. The Master's plan would bring death to everyone, not just humans.


The Master was defeated, not with a fight, but simply with the knowledge of its own hubris and failure. It was time for Billy to make another hasty exit.




Billy left another explosion in his wake as he headed north, to Vault 13, his home.


Now, his mission was truly finished. He could put his days of adventure behind him. Truth be told, after all that excitement, he was looking forward to going back to just being a third-class technician.


Quiet living was not in the cards for Billy. At least, not for now. The Overseer, stricken with xenophobia, could not let Billy come back into the vault and risk putting ideas in the other residents' heads. Billy was now a resident of the world, and back into the world he must go.


With Dogmeat in tow, Billy left Vault 13 for the last time and ventured into the wastes. He had no idea where he would go. Back to the Brotherhood? Start a new life in the Hub? Something completely different? Billy, who was set on returning to the vault, did not have a backup plan. So, he just started walking and figured the rest would work itself out...

I'm kinda wondering what gun is on his hip on the closing animation. It's not a 10mm grip. It almost looks like a sawed off (which doesn't exist in the first game, but it would have to be an over-under barrel (which doesn't exist at all until New Vegas). I actually googled it, but folks don't seem to agree.

In any event, this was not entirely a canon ending like I was going for. Ian should have died in Necropolis, Dogmeat should have died in the military base. But, I'm fine with that. I find Dogmeat's death to be dumb and kinda bullshit anyway. Next up, a recap!
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