Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader - a new cRPG from Owlcat Games



are you ready for your cover based shooter son


After 44 hours of play I finally got far enough that I had to fight a difficult and time consuming random encounter every time I wanted to travel. I put this entirely down to Alpha build and am sure this will be modified, but as is the game is borderline unplayable at this stage. 44 hours allowed me to play every class - Soldier is by far the strongest because you get an OP ability that will let you fire as many times as the RoF of your weapon, combined with an ability of Cassia, the navigator which can add 4 to your RoF means you can fire for days. OP but fun.

Single target classes are much weaker because no amount of single shot beats firing 10x a round, then firing a burst of 10, then another burst of 10 for 30 shots in a round.


After watching some videos, I’m interested in this. The game is still in very early development, so of course there are going to be some unrefined features and bugs. As long as they don’t stay unrefined, it’s not a big deal.

I feel like turn-based only really works if you’re up against a challenging enemy, like a boss encounter or something. Taking out the garbage in turn-based combat can get very tedious. It’s fine if the characters and their abilities are at least fun to play around with, but otherwise it’s just a chore. I feel like developers of turn-based games should either make a rtwp option, or an auto resolve button for the mobs, just so players don’t get bored with the garbage.


After 51 hours I have got very good at the game - comparatively.

I still believe the combat is weak, but being quite good at it is its own reward. I have been doing a Core difficulty minimal reload run. So far I have died once, to a fight I didn't have to do, in a style I definitely did not have to enter the battle in. I was mostly killed by bad initiative and some double enemy crits (righteous fury).

Mostly being "good" comes from choosing the very OP character and knowing when to throw grenades, also buying some grenades and a baller Dark Eldar Splinter Pistol at the beginning. Also reading skill descriptions so you know what is good. The battles are tough though. I fought the Daemon Engine early on and it almost wiped me.

There are a few good features which make turn based pretty good with large numbers of enemies:
1. a large amount of aoe grenades.
2. Enemies taking movement turns as groups.
3. Rapid fire weapons covering a 3 by x line from the shooter which can take our swathes of enemies, AoE flamer weapons and Plasma weapons.

Basically you can pop 6 or 7 enemies in a round if you know what you are doing.


Staff member
WotR was much better than Kingmaker (at launch), from the QA side. So it's promising to hear they decided to push the standards even higher:

"Executive producer Anatoly Shestov states that “really, really long internal post mortems” of developer Owlcat’s previous titles fed into its upcoming Warhammer 40k CRPG."

“In terms of technical solutions, we’ve made informed decisions about how we should tactically approach different aspects of the game and how much quality assurance should be given to different aspects… As a result, you can see that there are almost no critical problems in the alpha we delivered for players.”


Staff member

The video shows some of the diverse locations (including Commorragh, the Dark City of the Webway) from Rogue Trader. Owlcat Games notes, "With this trailer, the team wants to show how they recreate the iconic Warhammer 40,000 atmosphere from an isometric point of view: gothic architecture, industrial yet dilapidated cities, and straight-up nightmarish penal colonies."


Looks good, really! I should have set the voice to double speed though, it drove me nuts to wait for the last words of a sentence while trying to remember the beginning. Either I'm a bit impatient today or he talked very, very slowly...


Staff member
Looks good, really! I should have set the voice to double speed though, it drove me nuts to wait for the last words of a sentence while trying to remember the beginning. Either I'm a bit impatient today or he talked very, very slowly...
What do you mean today? You're a Krogan... I didn't even know your species had patience. :alien:


Looking forward to your feedback @alice_ashpool. I really hope this game will be as good as WoTR.
I will be diving in on the first - excited to see what changes they make based on their extensive reply to Alpha survey feedback. Reading through all my prior posts I don't take any of them back but bear in mind I mostly talk about the negatives which irked me rather than the positives (of which there are many!)


Staff member
I will be diving in on the first - excited to see what changes they make based on their extensive reply to Alpha survey feedback. Reading through all my prior posts I don't take any of them back but bear in mind I mostly talk about the negatives which irked me rather than the positives (of which there are many!)

I do that often too, writing what I don't like and neglecting what I do like. Also, you are an expert tactician in those type of games, so what for you may seem as poor combat design may be completely fine for me. To this day, I'm proud I was able to survive in WoTR, choosing not the easiest of difficulty settings, given the fact that I struggled a lot in DOS2 on Tactician.


I will be diving in on the first - excited to see what changes they make based on their extensive reply to Alpha survey feedback. Reading through all my prior posts I don't take any of them back but bear in mind I mostly talk about the negatives which irked me rather than the positives (of which there are many!)

Looking forward too to your impressions, especially because you can judge what changed. What you criticized about area design and combat seems to be something that has a good chance of being improved without too many complications.


Watching the beta trailer the areas (still) look very "plastic-ky". If someone told me they were deliberately trying to make everything look like actual 40k plastic models I would believe them. Although I think this is a result of lighting not really being in the footage at all. No shadows, everything just very flat. I am 100% sure this is because they haven't put the lighting in the game yet. iirc wotr got a huge graphical upgrade shortly before launch.

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