@ZaramMaldovar What did you add? I've seen some dialogue in your screenshots that I've never seen before. I'm not sure if it's an EE thing or something else.
And, I'm not trying to give you a hard time, but reading this over has me feeling invested. There's a lot of stuff in the graveyard that's killed you that hasn't killed me in forever (and I'm not exactly the most talented player either). I'm inclined to figure it out. For example, with Tarnesh, if I'm in a situation where the odds aren't good, I just trigger him, run and hide. If I can't interrupt it, his casting of MI gives me a good head start. Then the guards can deal with him. If I have a cleric, then I open with remove fear, which wastes his second round. With something like Carbos and Shank, if I can't melee (i.e. a mage) then I kite and use ranged. I haven't been killed by a trash mob in forever (though I've had an NPC mage go down with a stray arrow due to sloppy pathfinding). It would be cool if you posted a more detailed AAR specifically on the fights where you went down. It would give us something to talk about.
I can definitely see how a Power Word: Reload approach can reinforce not great play styles, though. There was once a time where I would go on about have there's an absurd amount of money in the game (I'd easily get to the hundreds of thousands). However, once I started dialing down the rinse, reload, repeat approach the economy became more real and I started to have to make choices. I'm paying for raising dead, multiple scrolls from shops when I blow a scribe check, and even healing/antidote potions. I'm in BG1 on my current run, and sitting pretty with gold (27k at this point, and not much left worth buying), but it took some time to get here. I just started DT, not sure what I'm going to do with all the $$ from there.
I also approach things a lot more gingerly now and am careful with how I move my party, even if I know I'm "safe". Playing a point character (i.e. paladin) makes me a little nervous. A magic user isn't so bad since I can cluster my party around them. I'm currently playing an off-tank second line fighter and that's pretty secure.
Just curious. How are you randomly choosing your next character? I think that's an interesting twist. Do you just have a list of all options and then roll dice or something?