Black Elk
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I figured I'd just start a thread specifically for this, cause even though every honorable death feels like a big emotional moment, I didn't want to spam the screenshot thread too hard lol.
So this is the hardest difficulty setting now, but the big thing that distinguishes it from Tactician is the single save file aspect. This is a pretty major difference from the other difficulty modes, and changes the meta quite a lot. It just has a whole other psychology to it when you can't reload at all.
I've beaten the game a couple times now Tactician, but I can't remember ever feeling too terribly stressed out there, cause a reload might only scrap like 30 minutes of gameplay as opposed to say 30 hours, which changes the sunk cost calculus a fair bit.
As an example, if Shadowheart fails to command Zhalk to drop his Everburning blade in the prologue, you might just start again to get that very nice weapon, but once you've hit the beach and have already been playing for a few hours the little stuff starts to add up. I find some things are more important to me personally than others. I get a little depressed if I can't save the Owlbear Cub and that will kill my motivation a fair bit, whereas if Mirkon gets say nailed by the Harpies, that might be a bummer, but not the end of the world for me lol. I'm not a the best player, so this is just some stuff I've been trying out to help ice it in Act 1.
The first and most important thing would be to "Ungroup" and leave one active party member at a safe distance, just so I can have a failsafe. This way if my murder squad goes down, at least I'll have one person left standing to resurrect the fallen at camp. I can't think of really any situation where I'd rather risk losing the save to TPK, than just being out a couple hundred gold to Withers.
When I ungroup like that, the 4th active party member can keep an eye on the exits in case everything goes sideways and escape to resurrect if needs be. If I keep the 4th person nearby, having them hidden is also good, just in case I get spillover from a combat, so they don't get pulled into initiative unless that's part of the plan. Otherwise they can stay at camp with 200 gp and this will take a lot of pressure off. The challenge of running a 3 person party comp is then offset by not having to fret off a total wipe in some of the tougher encounters.
Recruiting a Zombie from Withers gets revivify scroll and 2 potions along with some equipment that can be sold. It's nice to have someone who can cast the spell Longstrider, since that's a daily. A druid can go around camp and ritually cast that on everyone, then they cast Goodberry, which trades spellslots for heals/camp supplies to start chipping away at that sink.
It cost's 200 gold to recruit and respec Class if I want someone who has the right visual for my taste. Here I had Byrnna come back for that purpose, Although she changed her name to Maddala Deadeye when she went outlaw hehe.
She converted from Rogue Cleric of the Absolute to the Druidic faith hehe. I also like Sunblossom to do the same (I usually make her look like a young Jaheira from BG1). Together they can pretty much handle the camp supplies just from gathering goodberries.
If you need to you can also cycle between party members to conserve spellslots, so instead of just waiting around at camp doing nothing, all the companions can become an actual resource in that way. So like for the pair above, either can sub in with a wildshape to tank for a couple encounters or to clear out the trash mobs.
I found this helpful for the Goblin camp if knocking out Minthara, or for Nere in Grymforge, or any time sensitive type quest where you need to stretch your rests, but can still access your camp.
Having 6 companions means basically two sets for a 3-person-party comp, per long rest. So pretty much double the standard in terms of spellslots, if you can remember to make use of all your companions. You can also have 3 Withers zombies at a time, so triple the spellslots per long rest there, if you hire them on too.
This is not something I'd have considered much in other modes, but it can make a pretty big difference in this one. Might make a low sleep/no sleep run a lot more viable. I'm not sure I'd try for that Nightmare on Elmstreet myself, for me it was more just finding a way to stretch the rest for when you need to run a lot of encounters in succession without long resting.
Inspiration is a more valuable than Approval. This is another big change here for the no-reload mode. In the other modes I'd try to prioritize approval and inspiration was mostly a timesaver, but here it's mission critical. Being able to persuade Lump to smash someone else on your behalf, or not getting got at the Zaithisk, that sort of stuff.
Since a lot will come down to routing or doing stuff in an order that offers the path of least resistance till you hit the power spikes from xp. Or just cause you really want to play a Lute maybe lol
Here was a comically terrible recent playthrough...
In that one Halsin and Minthara both died at the Goblin camp by accident, so we tried for the Mountain pass. Made it to the Last Light but then got slapped around by the hands.
Predictably Marcus screwed us over pretty hard at LvL 4 lol.
In another mode I would have reloaded when the Owlbear cub went down, but because I was already 9 hrs in I kept it going just to see the worst of all possible outcomes.
Isobel fight going south can be pretty rough.
My current run is going much better. The Owlbear cub must live!!!
The Owlbear is alive hehe
Alfira is alive!
Quill we couldn't save, alas, but that's pretty thematic for this run, cause I'm Durge-y like that hehe.
Also at around 9 hours in, but just a much better alternative timeline for the honorable Groundhog day lol.
Halsin is alive though, and Minthara should be alive. Fingers crossed!!!
Back at the Outpost hehe.
Anyone else got cool ideas or tricks to try out for this mode?
So this is the hardest difficulty setting now, but the big thing that distinguishes it from Tactician is the single save file aspect. This is a pretty major difference from the other difficulty modes, and changes the meta quite a lot. It just has a whole other psychology to it when you can't reload at all.
I've beaten the game a couple times now Tactician, but I can't remember ever feeling too terribly stressed out there, cause a reload might only scrap like 30 minutes of gameplay as opposed to say 30 hours, which changes the sunk cost calculus a fair bit.
As an example, if Shadowheart fails to command Zhalk to drop his Everburning blade in the prologue, you might just start again to get that very nice weapon, but once you've hit the beach and have already been playing for a few hours the little stuff starts to add up. I find some things are more important to me personally than others. I get a little depressed if I can't save the Owlbear Cub and that will kill my motivation a fair bit, whereas if Mirkon gets say nailed by the Harpies, that might be a bummer, but not the end of the world for me lol. I'm not a the best player, so this is just some stuff I've been trying out to help ice it in Act 1.
The first and most important thing would be to "Ungroup" and leave one active party member at a safe distance, just so I can have a failsafe. This way if my murder squad goes down, at least I'll have one person left standing to resurrect the fallen at camp. I can't think of really any situation where I'd rather risk losing the save to TPK, than just being out a couple hundred gold to Withers.
When I ungroup like that, the 4th active party member can keep an eye on the exits in case everything goes sideways and escape to resurrect if needs be. If I keep the 4th person nearby, having them hidden is also good, just in case I get spillover from a combat, so they don't get pulled into initiative unless that's part of the plan. Otherwise they can stay at camp with 200 gp and this will take a lot of pressure off. The challenge of running a 3 person party comp is then offset by not having to fret off a total wipe in some of the tougher encounters.
Recruiting a Zombie from Withers gets revivify scroll and 2 potions along with some equipment that can be sold. It's nice to have someone who can cast the spell Longstrider, since that's a daily. A druid can go around camp and ritually cast that on everyone, then they cast Goodberry, which trades spellslots for heals/camp supplies to start chipping away at that sink.
It cost's 200 gold to recruit and respec Class if I want someone who has the right visual for my taste. Here I had Byrnna come back for that purpose, Although she changed her name to Maddala Deadeye when she went outlaw hehe.
She converted from Rogue Cleric of the Absolute to the Druidic faith hehe. I also like Sunblossom to do the same (I usually make her look like a young Jaheira from BG1). Together they can pretty much handle the camp supplies just from gathering goodberries.
If you need to you can also cycle between party members to conserve spellslots, so instead of just waiting around at camp doing nothing, all the companions can become an actual resource in that way. So like for the pair above, either can sub in with a wildshape to tank for a couple encounters or to clear out the trash mobs.
I found this helpful for the Goblin camp if knocking out Minthara, or for Nere in Grymforge, or any time sensitive type quest where you need to stretch your rests, but can still access your camp.
Having 6 companions means basically two sets for a 3-person-party comp, per long rest. So pretty much double the standard in terms of spellslots, if you can remember to make use of all your companions. You can also have 3 Withers zombies at a time, so triple the spellslots per long rest there, if you hire them on too.
This is not something I'd have considered much in other modes, but it can make a pretty big difference in this one. Might make a low sleep/no sleep run a lot more viable. I'm not sure I'd try for that Nightmare on Elmstreet myself, for me it was more just finding a way to stretch the rest for when you need to run a lot of encounters in succession without long resting.
Inspiration is a more valuable than Approval. This is another big change here for the no-reload mode. In the other modes I'd try to prioritize approval and inspiration was mostly a timesaver, but here it's mission critical. Being able to persuade Lump to smash someone else on your behalf, or not getting got at the Zaithisk, that sort of stuff.
Since a lot will come down to routing or doing stuff in an order that offers the path of least resistance till you hit the power spikes from xp. Or just cause you really want to play a Lute maybe lol
Here was a comically terrible recent playthrough...
In that one Halsin and Minthara both died at the Goblin camp by accident, so we tried for the Mountain pass. Made it to the Last Light but then got slapped around by the hands.
Predictably Marcus screwed us over pretty hard at LvL 4 lol.
In another mode I would have reloaded when the Owlbear cub went down, but because I was already 9 hrs in I kept it going just to see the worst of all possible outcomes.
Isobel fight going south can be pretty rough.
My current run is going much better. The Owlbear cub must live!!!
The Owlbear is alive hehe
Alfira is alive!
Quill we couldn't save, alas, but that's pretty thematic for this run, cause I'm Durge-y like that hehe.
Also at around 9 hours in, but just a much better alternative timeline for the honorable Groundhog day lol.
Halsin is alive though, and Minthara should be alive. Fingers crossed!!!
Back at the Outpost hehe.
Anyone else got cool ideas or tricks to try out for this mode?
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