Dragon Age: Dreadwolf


An ugh moment. David Gaider says BioWare "quietly resented" its writers, with a reliance on expensive narrative seen as the "albatross" holding the company back.

While the tweet is not about Dreadwolf, it still shows how small the chances the next DA title will have good writing are.
That... actually explains a lot about the slow but steady decline of the plots in series like Mass Effect and Dragon Age. o_O


Staff member
That... actually explains a lot about the slow but steady decline of the plots in series like Mass Effect and Dragon Age.

Yeah, I'm struggling to give another chance to Dragon Age: Inquisition, because of David. I know there is a great story underneath, but the MMO style of gameplay and UI, but more importantly, atrocious controls, puts me off with a Jedi force. I just hate to miss a good story...


An ugh moment. David Gaider says BioWare "quietly resented" its writers, with a reliance on expensive narrative seen as the "albatross" holding the company back.

While the tweet is not about Dreadwolf, it still shows how small the chances the next DA title will have good writing are.

They should be more open about how they feel to the end consumers. If they hate story and writing and want to make Fortnite with Dragons, go ahead! But be honest about it so we can reject it from the start. Makes things easy.

Yeah, I'm struggling to give another chance to Dragon Age: Inquisition, because of David. I know there is a great story underneath, but the MMO style of gameplay and UI, but more importantly, atrocious controls, puts me off with a Jedi force. I just hate to miss a good story...

Don't worry, you aren't missing a good story.


Staff member
Ok, since it's a season of giving second chances, I decided to give Dragon Age: Inquisition another chance, this time with some ground rules set (more of that in What games you are currently playing? thread). I haven't finished it yet, but I can already give some feedback.

  • Story: Although not as compelling as in Dragon Age: Origins or Mass Effect series (at least to me), it holds very strong and is the selling point of Inquisition. The main reasons are the good pacing of the story (if you don't sidetrack much with side quests and exploration) and many exciting moments. The writing style is great, which is not surprising, given that David Gaider took care of it.
  • Characters: This was always a strong point of Bioware games and Inquisition is no exception. I don't really like only one joinable character from the whole bunch and it's not because it's badly written or dull. As with the story, it's not the best Bioware provided when it comes to character design, but it's still very impressive.
  • Lore: This is the strongest aspect of Dragon Age games for me personally and Inquisition holds the ground. It's the rare case when I actively hunt for bits of lore, scattered throughout the world. I love how many groups are involved in the same event, giving a different perspective on the topic (not always on the evil/good scale).
  • Controls and camera: It's one of the worst controls and camera angle I have seen. This literally forces me to switch to Easy and rush through combat encounters. This alone is a showstopper for many.
  • MMO style of gameplay: I don't mean to criticize MMORPG games, as I know there are a lot of fans of this genre, but the UI design in DAI is full of MMO inspiration, which itself is not the biggest issue. The problem is that it's a lazy design. It looks like it was stitched in a hurry before release. There is no grand thought behind it. It looks half finished to me.
  • Exploration and side questing: It's boring. Seriously, side quests in DAI are among the most uninspiring in all open world games I have played się far. If you are not a completionist, just stick to the main story and companions quest.
All in all, it's worth playing for the story, lore and characters. And that's it. You won't loose much, skipping the rest. I do intend to finish it, though!


Staff member
Ok, bad news for DA4, if the situation could even be worse, it now is.

"We are eliminating approximately 50 roles at BioWare. That is deeply painful and humbling to write. We are doing everything we can to ensure the process is handled with empathy, respect, and clear communication. With that last point in mind, I want to take a moment to explain how we got here, what we’re doing to support our colleagues, and what this means for BioWare’s current and future games.

After much consideration and careful planning, we have built a long-term vision that will preserve the health of the studio and better enable us to do what we do best: create exceptional story-driven single-player experiences filled with vast worlds and rich characters. This vision balances the current needs of the studio—namely, ensuring Dragon Age: Dreadwolf is an outstanding game—with its future, including the success of the next Mass Effect™."

Another reboot? Another approach change? Not that surprising considering the quality of the leak in February.
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