Screenshot thread. Biggest emotional/memorable moments. Potential spoilers


Staff member
BG3 can give all kinds of emotions. They are usually very powerful, but sometimes it is on the next level. Share your screenshots here, just don't forget to put them in spoilers with some description of what's inside.

As I'm slowly exploring Act 1, I think 2 moments so far were very heartwarming (from side quests).

When Alfira completed her song. Too bad she's not a companion, but what a song that is!


When this boy came to my camp!



Staff member
I had been worried another camp pet bugged out for me, but I finally got the cutscene, he's sooooo cute!


Here is my party at the beginning of Act 2 (Shadowheart is in the background, she's wearing some spoilery armor):


Black Elk

The emotional moment when I finally find a decent set of dyes lol

I don't mind a little aesthetic progression in thread colors, so gating it that way is fine for me I guess. I still miss major/minor colors though. I think it would be nice if we had a palette on the fly that could control the minor elements, and leave the dyes for the main elements, but still nice to get a little control on the chromatics there. Got the plate to sufficiently Gith lookin' for Lae'zel and Shadowheart back to indigo, the heavy chain for Minthara to suit. Tried the blood plum dye earlier, but something with black felt better obviously. I don't expect to find a black/black till the end, but this one made me smile!

Black Elk

That Emotional moment when Dark Shadowheart thought she had 'em licked as the last gal standing, only to find... oh shit! lol

On our first pass we completely missed the restoration pod, and died like 2 dozen times before realizing hehe.

Thankfully Minthara came like an absolute boss after that. Vows of enmity, and revenge was sweet! heheh.

I was surprised at the number of voiced lines they gave her too. Like she had a running commentary on almost the entire second act, with almost as many lines as Shadowheart or Lae'zel. We're only just now getting back onto the road, cause I detoured with my other party too, but I had fun!

Black Elk

OK I got a little choked up here... Having Jaheira in this game makes all the difference! hehe

The Goodness path was pretty satisfying. Those scimitars!

Ps. Had to run the battle again with 3, just so I could recruit her into the fold. Halsin got benched cause I felt like I'd need Gale's counter spell and Shadowheart running interference. Fun stuff!

pps. Also translating her BG1 multi-class fighter/druid vibe into the 5e scheme was a bit of a puzzle. I feel like 2 lvls in fighter makes her pretty solid without being too far behind the power curve as a Druid. She recruited in at lvl 8 so I went 6 Druid/2 Fighter. That way she could retain the Panther form, but still hit alright with her swords and the action surge. Felt about right. 4/4 had double up ability option, but felt too far behind the rest of the party and for that fight lol. The inverse something like 6 Fighter/2 Druid also seemed interesting, but then the form would just be for flavor as a wolf with a couple utility spells, and I liked the Panther for her hehe. Everybody's about to hit lvl 9, so I feel like 7 Druid 2 Fighter is pretty decent.
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Awesome. I tried to avoid looking at pics that might be spoilery, as I'm a bit behind in my game progress, but you have all shared such great images.
I didn't manage to catch them well in pictures but definitely the Astral Plane where I met the Guardian, and the Underdark, are the most beautiful places so far!

And as one of the rare situations where I managed to hit F12 during a touching moment, here it is. Also note the unusual agreement in approvals...

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I notice that our resident Bah Humbug girl Lae'zel did not approve. ;P
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