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  1. Playing Persona 5 for the first time

    Decided to make this thread to talk about my thoughts as I play through Persona 5. This is my first time so I won't be able to make this a proper tour of the game, but I'm pretty excited and I think there'll be a lot to talk about, so I think it's worth a shot. Gonna start by copying my...
  2. Kaleidoscopic World

    Been thinking about Eahta in Fate Grand Order a bit lately. He's a character who has devoted himself to the pursuit of strength. He's forged himself like a blade, cutting away weak parts of himself. Sharpening his edge. He's forgotten even his own name in this quest. So, of course, central to...
  3. Thoughts on when a game should end?

    This post on reddit got me thinking about the subject. This player basically played until they stopped having fun, then continued playing until they beat the game. Quote "I had a great time in the first half, but had to force myself to finish it." Now they say the game "Overstays its welcome"...
  4. Any of you ever resell videogames?

    Couldn't find my copy of Etrian Odyssey 5. Ordered a new one online. Found my old copy. Amazon says it's too late to cancel. So now I guess I'm out some money and have an extra copy. I think these things sell decently on the secondary market but I'm not sure what channels I would go through to...
  5. I've just gotta talk about Final Fantasy for a moment

    Little silly to admit, but I was thinking about if somebody asked what my favourite Final Fantasy was, and I decided to start writing out my thoughts, and then it kind of turned into a whole thing even though nobody had asked. Decided to post it. Okay, this is gonna sound pretentious as all...
  6. Videogames with the most fleshed out non-speaking roles?

    So, in the idlegaming dating sim Crush Crush, there are these four "Monster" babes you can romance, and none of them speak. When you click on them there are an endless series of interactions. You can go on and on like this pretty much all day. It's obviously goofy, not "High art" or anything...
  7. Dailyarturia Commissions

    Though I'd share some pieces I've commissioned from Ayer from Granblue Fantasy Ayer's a fun character. He's like this rich kid who came to view his privileges as chains. He left it all behind to go become a thrillseeker in an underground fight ring. He only...
  8. Is it alright to post art that you've commissioned here?

    Or does it have to be art you've drawn yourself?
  9. Anybody here use a Switch Lite?

    It sounds like it would be really up my alley, with it turning the Switch into a more traditional Gameboy type console, instead of the hybrid handheld/home thing the normal Switch has going on. But I've also heard that unlike the normal switch, the joycons are built into it, and they break down...
  10. You can't just finish a game anymore Been seeing some talk about how this is a ridiculous way to talk about a single player game, but it does seem more and more to be a common way of thinking. A game can't just be a product that people buy and play from...
  11. Anybody here played Hollow Knight?

    Watching this streamer play it. Looks pretty fun! Figured I'd see what you all thought of it. It's a metroidvania but it looks like it might take some inspiration from the soulsborn games? Like the mechanic about losing your geo when you die, but being able to get it back if you get back to...
  12. Having fun with this Four Job Fiesta

    For those unaware, Four Job Fiesta is a self imposed rule set in Final Fantasy 5. In the traditional Final Fantasy 5 experience, you go on a journey to save the four magic crystals, and each time you get to a crystal you unlock 4-6 new jobs (classes), which can be mixed and matched in all sorts...
  13. Link to the Past with randomized items is a blast

    The concept always sounded like nonsense to me. Because in Zelda games your progression is tied to the items. You need the bow to beat the bow dungeon to get to the hook shot dungeon and so forth. There's this new series Trial by Fieri though, where the guy plays through a Lttp randomizer run...
  14. Has anyone tried doing Siege of Dragonspear with only one half of the Minsc/Dynaheir duo?

    So, BG1, there are paired companions. If you boot one, the other will leave with them. But there are workarounds. Like if one half of a duo happens to fall in combat, the other half will continue the journey without them. This was done away with in BG2. No more duos. In siege of Dragonspear...
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